Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Map dota 6.83e lod download

Official Map DotA 6.83e LoD  download by ResQ and DracoL1ch

What is Legends of DotA? (LoD):
Legends of DotA, or in short, LoD, is a DotA modification. It allows you to pick and mix skillsfrom the original DotA map as you like. You can pick almost every combination you can think of, there are almost no limits - you can create new heroes within a few clicks and play with them!
Ever imagined playing a hero with over 900 range? Just pick Sniper's Take Aim and Lanaya's Psi Blades and you're good to go! There are countless possibilities!

To remove the fact that hotkeys overlay, we recommend using Auct Hotkeys Tool v2.8d (AHT v2.8d). It allows you to have more than 1 spell on the same hotkey while not forcingyou to click spells.


Friday, March 13, 2015

Map dota v6.83c released and download

Official Map DotA v6.83c.w3x download by Icefrog (Released at 03/27/2015)

Dota v6.83c has been released. Thanks for all the bug reports. If you find anymore issues please let me know.

From Icefrog:
I just released a Dota version of 6.83c: Dota 6.83c released
Most of the new features and changes have been incorporated, but it still may have some bugs, if you notice any problems, please email me. When all problems are fixed, I will release a final version. Thank you all for your support.
Post in the bugs: comment here for any problems you find. Thanks for the help.

- Ported the changes from 6.81d to 6.83c

Friday, March 6, 2015

Earth Keeper II v4.4.B.w3x

Map Earth Keeper II v4.4B by Valenkine (VietNam)

- Earth Keeper Season 2 : Mirror World
- Language map: Vietnamese
- Map Created by Valenkine with Vietnamese
Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 160x160
Playable Area: 148x148
Recommended Players: Full Player Best
Size: 7480.4 KB

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Earth Keeper II v4.4B latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Download: Earth Keeper II v4.4B

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Fight Of Anime Season 2 1.0e

Map Fight Of Anime SS.2 v1.0e - Fight Of Anime Season 2 1.0e.w3x by Make By Nyar

Aos Hero 3 way.
Only 14 Hero in this map
New Hero

Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 160x160
Playable Area: 154x149
Recommended Players: Anime Fanclub
Size: 6844 KB

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