Showing posts with label dota map. Show all posts
Monday, March 11, 2019
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
2:11 AM
Getdota map 6.89a7 RGC download by Icefrog April/15/2019, Edit and update by DracoL1ch. Fixed Reality Rift providing extra armor instead of decreasing it
- Fixed inability to buy items to Puck while he is hidden with Phase Shift
Spirit bear now prioritized when buying items instead of a courier
Fixed some abilities being castable on couriers while they shouldn’t
God’s Strength with Aghanim now boosts only hero’s damage instead of everyone
Fixed Assists counting buffs incorrectly (i.e. Living Armor)
Fixed rare bug with Spectre’s movespeed
Fixed possible bugs with immortal units
Fixed second Starfall meteor couldn’t hit a target sometimes
Soul Assumption is now blocked on hit instead of on launch
Full changelogs: Dota 6.89a7 RGC changelog
In case if you want to play 89+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena’s issues.
Download: Dota 6.89a7 RGC
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
8:42 AM

- Enchant Totem cast points from 0.3 to 0.25
- Unrefined Fireblast cooldown 6 sec -> 8 sec.
- Become Enraged cooldown 50/40/30 -> 30
- Tango cast range on Tree increased from outdated 100 to normal 165
- Tidebringer cleave range from outdated 500/500/500/600 to 450/500/550/600
- Newly summoned courier will always be created on your team's fountain area
- Courier summon and respawn point changed a bit to be different from hero respawn point
- Fixed bug with Eul targeting spell immune enemies
- Fixed picking up items after Rearm still caused them to be on cooldown
- Fixed Frostmourne's debuff lasting longer than intended
- Fixed Tiderbringer not wasting it's charge when attacking structures
- Fixed Dagon not being reflected by Lotus Orb
- Fixed Coup de Grace playing visual on the attacked enemy for ranged attacks
- Fixed bug with Chain Frost on ARDM
- Shackleshot is now blocked by Linken on hit instead of on launch
- Stolen Suicide Squad Attack should now properly provide reduced respawn time
- Fixed Exorcism Ghosts damage was 10 more than intended
- Fixed Scorched Earth affecting non-organic units like Tombstone & fixed other random bug with Scorched Earth
- Improved Paralyzing Casks interaction with spell block
- Paralyzing Casks now stuns Roshan as a hero
- Paralyzing Casks no longer interrupted if the target it had jumped to dies midair
- Fixed Ogrelord's Bloodbath visuals still appears if the owner died
- Fixed Flame Lasso being purgable (supposed to only be dispellable by strong dispells)
Monday, December 31, 2018
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
7:48 PM

DotA Allstars 6.88x7c.w3x RGC can be launched on Warcraft 3 version 1.26 ONLY. Any other patch won't work, game will end up crashing.
File size of DotA Allstars 6.88 is bigger than 8 MB, which makes it's impossible to host over the LAN or any game server without special patch. use this: Game.dll - Warcraft III 8mb Limit Remover
- Fixed minor issue with skins on morph-able heroes
- Fixed rare case when attack event not being detected
- Fixed last change to Shift-queries affecting Attack, Move and Patrol commands
- Fixed Monkey King appearing in SD games
- Fixed QoP and Sven's cast animations
- Fixed Drow's Agh with critical strikes could have insane damage values
- Fixed Stone Gaze increasing damage from physical damage spells while it should only affect normal attacks
- Fixed Illusory Orb having 800 vision area instead of 450
- Reduced Plasma Field vision from 800 to 700
- Fixed Shadow Poison leaving 500 vision for 3 seconds at the end of the line
- Fixed Spectral Dagger ignoring illusions (they didn't create shadow path)
- Fixed Thundergod's Wrath providing vision for 6 seconds instead of 3
Read full changelogs here: Dota 6.88×7c RGC changelog
In case if you want to play 88+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena's issues.
Download: Dota v6.88×7c RGC
In case if you want to play 88+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena's issues.
Download: Dota v6.88×7c RGC
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Dota 6.88x5 RGC
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
7:12 PM

DotA Allstars 6.88x5.w3x RGC can be launched on Warcraft 3 version 1.26 ONLY. Any other patch won't work, game will end up crashing.
File size of DotA Allstars 6.88 is bigger than 8 MB, which makes it's impossible to host over the LAN or any game server without special patch. use this: Game.dll - Warcraft III 8mb Limit Remover
- Fixed Stifling Dagger putting Mortred to sleep when attacking Nightmare'd target
- Fixed rare bug when Slark could avoid death from Ice Blast using Dark Pact
- Fixed Skewer not interrupting Charge of Darkness
- Fixed Skewer not being interrupted by other sources of Forced Movement
- Fixed inability to cast Decrepify onto Tombstone
- Removed damage numbers appearing on Quill Spray
- Updated Buriza crit chance from 25% => 30%
- You can now buy Tome of Experience, Wards, Smoke and Gem from enemy's base wasting it's supply on your own shop (still cannot rob enemy's shop)
- Lion's and SK's Impales are now blockable by Linken's Sphere, no matter if targeted directly or not
- Bottle no longer auto-applies when dropped onto an ally, use Control+Bottle hotkey to enable targeting
- Dominated unit will die if you don't carry Helm of the Dominator longer that 10 seconds
- Added charges indicator to bottle and duration on BKB
Read full changelogs here: Dota 6.88×5 RGC changelog
In case if you want to play 88+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena's issues.
Download: Dota v6.88×5 Allstars
In case if you want to play 88+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena's issues.
Download: Dota v6.88×5 Allstars
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
DotA Allstars 6.88x3 rgc
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
12:41 AM

DotA Allstars 6.88x3.w3x can be launched on Warcraft 3 version 1.26 ONLY. Any other patch won't work, game will end up crashing.
File size of DotA Allstars 6.88 is bigger than 8 MB, which makes it's impossible to host over the LAN or any game server without special patch. use this: Game.dll - Warcraft III 8mb Limit Remover
- Fixed Song of the Siren not applying onto invisible units
- Fixed Pit of Malic not applying onto fogged or invisible units
- Fixed Stampede causing pathing issues
- Fixed Time Lapse, Sunder not restoring health while under Ice Blast debuff
- Fixed yet another bug with Rubick when he morphs into somebody else
- Greater Bash can no longer push enemy behind obstacles or unpathable terrain
- Fixed Mana Shield toggling counting as a normal ability usage
- Fixed rare bug with Walrus Kick pushing target way too far
- Phantom Rush no longer provides ability to move through obstacles, but only through units
- Fixed siege creeps get stuck rarely when passing nearby invulnerable units/structures
- Fixed Stasis Trap not being reveled before triggering
- Fixed Lycan could become stun immune
- Supernova will now prevent units from perfoming various orders while hidden inside the Sun
Full full changelogs here: Dota 6.88×3 changelog
In case if you want to play 88+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena's issues.
Download: Dota 6.88x3
In case if you want to play 88+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena's issues.
Download: Dota 6.88x3
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Dota 6.88w9.4 download
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
6:18 AM

Get DotA Allstars 6.88w9.4.w3x RGC full changelogs and download 2018
- Fixed incorrect visual info about bonus damage from Duels
- Fixed bug when Snowball couldn’t pickup an ally if he was clicked while Snowball was too far away from him
- Fixed Psi Blades being ~25% wider than supposed to
- Fixed Pulse Nova with Aghanim had no manacost
- Fixed Surge providing AS bonus
- Fixed Unstable Concoction had maximum effect possible if Alchemist dies while brewing instead of following default rules
- Fixed Nether Swap’s Aghanim illusion not being auto-selected
- Fixed interaction with Linken’s Sphere and/or Lotus Orb: Poison Touch, Spawn Spiderlings, Mystic Snake, Spirit Lance, Unstable Concoction
- Fixed rare bug with Charge of Darkness immediately interrupting when casted right after Force Staff
- Fixed Timber Chain could deal it’s damage from incorrect source
- Rip Tide debuff now displays icon and apply debuff before damage isntance
- Ethereal Blade is now properly prolonged when casted again
- Fixed Unstable Current triggering Linken’s Sphere but not being blocked
- Alchemist can now gift Aghanim to spell immune ally
Full changelogs here: Dota 6.88w9.4 full changelog
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88w9.4
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
DotA Allstars 6.88w3
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
4:59 AM

DotA Allstars 6.88w3.w3x RGC full changelogs and download 2018
- Neutral AI improved to non-obs behavior
- Fixed rare crash with Admiral
- Fixed random crashes when Slark in game or Smokes of Deceit were used
- Fixed Upheaval dispelling Linken's Sphere
- Fixed Bloodlust could target couriers
- Fixed Global Silence being broken if Aghanim purchuased before it's being learned
- Fixed swapping wards or performing some other actions causing invisibility to wear off when it shouldn't
- Added visual effect on Conjure Image illusions to better distinction
- Improved Toss a little bit, it now always provides full double Avalanche
- Fixed Psi Blades visual effect pointing invisible units
- Spin Web can now be manually destroyed
- Fixed Terrorblade (Metamorphosis) had 3 less max damage
- Fixed Lycan's Wolves' Cripple could proc on structures and other invalid targets
- Fixed Overgrowth not providing assists
- Linken's Sphere now properly re-adds Spell Block on respawn
- Sleight of Fist no longer interrupt channelings if Xin casts one
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88w3
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Dota 6.88vX (10) RGC
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
3:21 AM
Map DotA Allstars 6.88vX.w3x RGC download and Getdota 6.88 AI
- Manabars are now visible for observers too
- Disable Help now turned off for leavers
- Fixed damage reduction interaction with Tombstone and Nether Ward hit-counters
- Fixed attacks from creeps not being registered properly if caused by triggered aggro
- Improved control disable on Duel and similar skills
- Icon with Charges amount moved to the left slot
- Slightly changed damage detection system to work with negative attack damage (Enfeeble)
- Removed lifesteal animation when attacking towers with illusions
- Fixed blueish coloring stays on when Frost has been purged
- Frost Armor (neutral Ogre) no longer has autocast, no longer dispels by spell immunity, debuff duration from 4 to 5 seconds
- Upgrading Dagon won’t change it’s item position anymore
- Fixed Orchid didn’t deal damage after it’s duration
- Fixed Tome of Knowledge sharing cd with no-cd items
- Fixed instant invis-providing skills not charging Magic Stick for enemies
- Radiance can no longer affect Roshan
- See full Changelogs 6.88v5 here: Dota 6.88v10 (vX) changelog
Download: Dota 6.88v10 (vX)
Friday, January 19, 2018
DotA LoD 6.85n3.w3x
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
9:47 AM

DotA LoD 6.85n3.w3x map created by DracoL1ch 2018
Config file name changed from "config.lod" to "config.lod.ini"
Fixes and non-balance changes
- Nerubian Assassin's cast backswing from 1.1 to 0.3
- Lina's cast backswing from 1.1 to 0.6
- Rubick's cast backswing from 1.17 to 0.5
- Neutral Satyr's cast backswing from 1.2 to 0.3
- Fixed multicasted Homing missile dealing no damage if being kited for too long
- Fixed Midas'd creeps didn't count as a kill
- Living Armor can no longer target wards or similar things
- Living Armor regeneration is now visible in HP/s metric
- Voodoo Restoration is now properly toggling off when unit doesn't have mana anymore
- Dispersion's damage no longer ignores spell immune enemies
- Fixed Refresher Orb tooltip had incorrect cooldown value
- Ethereal Blade no longer sends caster to Ethereal state unless he is the target
- Supernova & Rearm should now properly refresh all skills, no matter how are they obtained
- Mirror Image-based skills no longer dispel Linken's Sphere
- Linken's Sphere no longer removed on respawn
- Fixed Reiuncarnation (agh) killer detection going for the latest damage source
- Improved Reactive Armor behavior
- Full changelogs lod 6.85n here: Dota 6.85n LOD full changelog
Friday, November 24, 2017
DotA Allstars 6.88v0 - v3
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
8:55 PM

- Fixed Relocate used to ignore Disable help rules
- Fixed Gush (Agh) didn't benefit of Lens' bonus range
- Fixed Gush (Agh) providing vision around the wave
- Fixed Sonic Wave didn't benefit of Lens' bonus range
- Fixed X Mark the Spot duration numbers being slightly off (althought still correct)
- Fixed Mystic Snake damage & manasteal order - now it steal the mana, then deals the damage
- Fixed Mystic Snake draining mana from illusions
- Fixed Mystic Snake not ends after trigger Linken's Sphere
- Fixed Mana drain could target an ally
See full changelogs here: Dota v6.88v0 - v3 changelog
Monday, October 16, 2017
Dota v6.88u6
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
7:39 PM

- Fixed Corrosive Breath, Liquid Fire and Nether Blast dealing only 35% of intended damage on structures
- Fixed Blinks could be learned too early
- Fixed bug with Burrowstrike distance
- Fixed Skewer failed to work properly if hero has been Pounced by Slark
- Fixed Flesh Heap didn't accumulating str from kills nearby
- Fixed minor inner issue with Ice Wall
- Life Break can no longer target couriers
- Improved cast animation for Purification
- Fixed burrowed Nerubian Assassin coulnd't use teleportation from items
- Fixed burrowed Nerubian Assassin not being moved with Dark Rift
- Fixed burrowed Nerubian Assassin illusions behavior
See full changelogs here: Dota v6.88u6 changelog
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88u6.w3x (11200.76 kB - downloaded 8521 times.)
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Dota 6.88t9 download
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
6:04 AM

Map Dota v6.88t9 Allstars - Icefrog
- Fixed Moon Glaive dealing 100% damage while used by illusions
- Fixed Fountains didn't share true sight with players
- Fixed Primal Split Earth Element's Demolish issues with some structures
- Fixed raxes missing spawn creeps anim
- Fixed Burrow (NA) didn't reduce incoming damage
- Fixed Enchant could affect ally unit (slow) or other summons (non-enchanted)
- Fixed rare bug with Hex and metamorphosis-based skills
- Fixed minor issues with leaving playing area
- Fixed Electric Vortex affecting Roshan
- Fixed Tempest Double minor issues
- Fixed Mirror image could go wrong when replacement effects takes place
- Moon Glaive no longer jumps onto Power Cogs or Tombstone
- Moon Glaive now properly kills Zombies
Full changelogs: Dota map 6.88t9 changelog
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88t9.w3x (10083.79 kB - downloaded 7512 times.)
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88t9.w3x (10083.79 kB - downloaded 7512 times.)
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Dota 6.88g download
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
1:51 PM

- Fixed a bug where denying Arc Warden’s Tempest Double was giving bounty gold
- Added control-loss counter support to Winter Wyvern (already been implemented to Alchemist, Batrider, Lycanthrope)
- Toggling Quas/Wex/Exort no longer interrupts Invoker at all
- Fixed Spiked Carapace having animation time
- Fixed Requiem of Souls (agh) waves returning on death
- Fixed Venomous Gale dealt 0 damage on level 1
- Fixed Wave of Terror didn’t apply armor reduction on magic immune enemies
- Fixed Crystal Nova didn’t provide vision around the target
See full changelog here: Dota v6.88g changelog

NOTE: config file (config.dota) has been updated
it now contains additional keys:
it now contains additional keys:
– DisplayGarenaTotalNotification=true #use “false” to disable “garena total” reminder at the game’s start
– TeleportationCanOnlyBeStoppedSoft=true #uses innate WC3 mechianics to prevent accidental TP scroll channel canceling with right click
– DisplayGarenaTotalNotification=true #use “false” to disable “garena total” reminder at the game’s start
– TeleportationCanOnlyBeStoppedSoft=true #uses innate WC3 mechianics to prevent accidental TP scroll channel canceling with right click
– AdvancedTooltips=true #attack/armor tooltips
– DisplayRegeneration=true #obviously
– CustomFPSInfo=true #shows memory usage
– AdvancedTooltips=true #attack/armor tooltips
– DisplayRegeneration=true #obviously
– CustomFPSInfo=true #shows memory usage
Download: Dota v6.88g download – Dota v6.88g download
Friday, December 23, 2016
Dota 6.88f download
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
12:36 AM

- Fixed Brewmaster's Storm spirit attack type
- Fixed Tome of Experience stacking and consuming
- Counter Helix now reacts on attack landing only
- Fixed Frost Nova malfunction
- Fixed Forge Spirit's armor decrease malfunctioning
- Fixed Shackleshot ignoring new branch tree
- Fixed dummy HP bar on Lightning bolt
- Reverted Midnight Pulse visual effect
- Added sound to Rot and Powershot
- Fixed Glyph and Scan cooldowns being affected by Octarine core
See full changelog here: Dota 6.88f full changelog

WC3 1.24 is no longer supported. Map won't run or will crash immediately if used. Think about updating to 1.26 (best patch so far).
Map uses memory patching which may conflict with any kind of anti-cheats on server. Don't get banned - ask admins first. Also map relies on WinAPI, which means it cannot be used on non-Windows OS. You can still try emulators or virtual machines.
Download: Dota 6.88f download - Dota v6.88f download
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Dota 6.88c download
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
6:19 PM

- Added a note about spell immunity piercing to Poison sting
- Replay now stores packet "FF+" whenever any player use -gg to forfeit, and "FF-" whenever player decide not to forfeit. Value contains player's ID
- Penitence no longer based on Drunken Haze
- Hand of God now properly heals hidden allies
- Guardian Angle no longer being dispelled by allied dispells
- Fixed Psionic Trap iteraction with Linken's Sphere
- Fixed Static Field affecting Roshan
However, its cooldown can still be reset and doing so does not affect its broken state.
Cooldown resetting effects are: Rearm, Refresher Orb and -refresh/-wtf commands (and Supernova, but that one doesn't reset item cooldowns).

WC3 1.24 is no longer supported. Map won't run or will crash immediately if used. Think about updating to 1.26 (best patch so far).
Download: Dota v6.88c download - Dota v6.88c download
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Dota 6.83d ai 1.50
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
12:23 AM

- Optimize doom’s damage and algorithm
- Optimize nether strike’s algorithm
- Repair tranquil boots bug of unaffected effects
- FIx ogre magi’s unrefined fireblast (aghanim’s skill, consume 60% remaining mana)
- FIx phantom assassin that may cause map errors bug
- FIx enchantress auto casting impetus fail bug
- FIx warlock’s ability to attack while casting upheaval and residual upheaval image bug
– Repair mark fairy dragon AI skills crescent release error
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Dota 6.83d AI english final
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
3:54 AM

– A simple balance and mad computers the experience gained additional rate other aspects:
– Increase the mechanism can not get money after buying live
– Some repair leaks
– Official code number of the map data in FIG sync on crash

– Fixed AI Vengefult error fluctuations
– Fixed AI dwarven Sniper pomegranate shotgun use
– AI will go out earlier to buy equipment, to go out earlier – command AI to go out dotted
– AI will buy and use the crimson armor
Monday, July 25, 2016
Dota 6.83d AI 1.42 download
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
7:48 PM

This map release is having some heavy tweaks to the items system + AI`s having their own courier to bring them the goods. The new heroes got their AI too and the biggest news from the team are… our new developer – Ciel_Asuka. Blending well and adjusting to the script, Ciel will make us all happy.
Skills continue to optimize AI conditions of release
We are currently working on porting all the features of the new maps up to 6.83d. When finished, all the broken&new skills and AI usage must be fixed. Also the new heroes will need some basic AI :) Item builds needs tweaking too. A very FAT TODO list... loads of work. And i`m not saying anything about perfecting the general AI and tweaking the personal hero conditions
We are currently working on porting all the features of the new maps up to 6.83d. When finished, all the broken&new skills and AI usage must be fixed. Also the new heroes will need some basic AI :) Item builds needs tweaking too. A very FAT TODO list... loads of work. And i`m not saying anything about perfecting the general AI and tweaking the personal hero conditions
Skills continue to optimize AI conditions of release
AI maps (map with computer players / bots)
AI = Again Idiots = Art Inspections
Aluminum Injection
Alien Internet
Application Interference
Download: Dota 6.83d AI 1.42 - DotA 6.83d AI 1.42
AI maps (map with computer players / bots)
AI = Again Idiots = Art Inspections
Aluminum Injection
Alien Internet
Application Interference
Download: Dota 6.83d AI 1.42 - DotA 6.83d AI 1.42
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Dota 6.83d AI 1.4e map download
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
9:06 PM

We are currently working on porting all the features of the new maps up to 6.83d. When finished, all the broken&new skills and AI usage must be fixed. Also the new heroes will need some basic AI :) Item builds needs tweaking too. A very FAT TODO list... loads of work. And i`m not saying anything about perfecting the general AI and tweaking the personal hero conditions
Skills continue to optimize AI conditions of release
AI maps (map with computer players / bots)
AI = Again Idiots = Art Inspections
Aluminum Injection
Alien Internet
Application Interference
Download: Dota 6.83d AI 1.4e - Dota 6.83d AI 1.42 - DotA 6.83d AI 1.42
AI maps (map with computer players / bots)
AI = Again Idiots = Art Inspections
Aluminum Injection
Alien Internet
Application Interference
Download: Dota 6.83d AI 1.4e - Dota 6.83d AI 1.42 - DotA 6.83d AI 1.42
Monday, July 4, 2016
Map dota 6.88 AI download
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
8:21 PM

The basis of life increased to 200, increased by 50 basis magic
Short-range attack distance to 150
- AI maps (map with computer players / bots)
- AI = Again Idiots = Art Inspections
- Aluminum Injection
- Alien Internet
- Application Interference
If you find some bugs please comment below. Good luck and have fun to all Fans Dota game
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