Showing posts with label Hero defense. Show all posts
Monday, April 1, 2019
9x Hero Defense Season II VN 2019
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
1:49 AM

9x Hero Defense VN New Season II By Vorse Raider
Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 224x128
Playable Area: 212x116
Recommended Players: All players
Size: 70.7 MB+

Download: 9x Hero Defense VN 1/4/2019
9x Hero Defense Season II VN 1/4/2019
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
9x Hero Defense VN 6_11_2018
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
9:50 PM

9x Hero Defense VN New Season II By Vorse Raider
Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 224x128
Playable Area: 212x116
Recommended Players: All players
Size: 52.06 MB+

Download: 9x Hero Defense VN 6/11/2018
9x Hero Defense Season II VN 6/11/2018
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Naruto fetters 7.05
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
8:07 PM

- Modification of outer road magical technology for each level of technology to increase the maximum health of 5%
· Remediation of dirty soil reincarnation technology for each level of science and technology to increase 10% of the maximum health value BUG repair
· Repair Xiaonan Q skill projectile speed problem
· Repair Xiaonan E Skill special crit invalid · Fix Xiao Nan D skills and text does not match the problem
· Repair thousands of columns between the W skill effect and the text does not match the problem
· Repair Jun Ma Lu skills mirror image room problem
· Fix Uchiha B soil with skills The effect does not match the text problem
Remove the seal Reel later to redeem 250
Strengthening each BOSS six with soil restoration weakness reply own 10% of the blood
Modify sneak rain forbearance village copy waiting time to 8 seconds 3 seconds to enter when prompted for a treasure of God
cancel random three-piece reward clouds
Monday, April 3, 2017
9x Hero Defense Season II VN 3_8_2017
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
3:49 AM

9x Hero Defense VN New Season II By Vorse Raider
Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 224x128
Playable Area: 212x116
Recommended Players: All players
Size: 36.0 MB+

Download: 9x Hero Defense VN 3_8_2017
Friday, March 24, 2017
Anime Hero Defense RPG v2.25
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
3:34 AM

World of Warcraft version: 1.24
Game introduction:
Repair: repair Wukong after the transfer of characters to solve the problem of repair ogre sometimes in a permanent violent
Repair demon dream in the room cast a big move out of the room
Skill changes:
Repair: repair Wukong after the transfer of characters to solve the problem of repair ogre sometimes in a permanent violent
Repair demon dream in the room cast a big move out of the room
- Replaced the new village of BGM
- New glittering
- Add a hidden hero
- Added field boss
- The sky copy is reduced
- Lucifer's blood is reduced
- New Dragon task
- Sakura full set to normal selection is no longer hidden
Skill changes:
- Sakura full set of big strokes and awakening skills to strengthen
- Fighting F Foster
- Wukong's strength bombs weakened ...
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Dream Dance Defense v2.2
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
8:28 PM

Author: Mo glass month
Map size: 13.21MB - version support: 1.24-1.27A (8M patch) - support number: 1-6
Map language: Chinese - Add time: 2017-2-14 - Edit: hot43
Fix the previous version of the BUG
Reducing the difficulty of starting the attack strange.

The new two immortal mounts, after the immortal random access.
For the challenge of the immortal Emperor successful players updated the immortal list and Xian riding
All the roles do not need to hide the password to facilitate everyone experience
The replacement of the background music <no return>
Download: Dream Dance Defense 2.2 download
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Saint Seiya Hades Defense 1.397
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
8:14 PM

Map support any platform, in order to save space map has been deleted unnecessary BOSS
This version is completed on the eve of Christmas, the follow-up to increase the number of things and test for a long time after the perfect BUG so now officially released ☆ map download in the forum to download a 8MB patch can be, because the map size of more than 8MB

☆ Increase a wild Shaguai task
☆ Cancel the far field command☆ This presentation is only about the introduction, the details also please experience the game, more wonderful not to be missed! Hurry up and everyone to fight it
Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Saint Seiya Hades v1.397 latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Diablo Defense Survival 5.37
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
10:16 PM

Map on a survival heroes, language rus+eng
Recommended game platform
Authors: Rus|Verm, DracoLich, Night
Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: 1-8
Size: 5312.3 KB
Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Diablo Defense Survival v5.37 latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!
Download: Diablo_Defense_5.37opt.w3x
Friday, August 19, 2016
Warcraft III Defense v1.6
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
4:26 PM

- reborn 20 seconds
- new wave [Enemy lv.7]
- new boss lv.7
- bigboss and enemy power up
Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Village Fall
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 116x116
Recommended Players: 2-9
Size: 4200.6 KB
Download: Warcraft III Defense [v.1.6] .w3x
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Diablo Proud fighting Yan v1.71
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
1:50 AM

傲斗遮天V1.71终焉之战 - 作者:杰少
- Fully enhance all ordinary heroes
- Repair beast God with equipment that can not be enhanced without beginning the Great bug
- Add a hero: Yu Promise
- Greatly enhances the value of life
- Mobs attacking stationary time price increase to 3000
- Enhanced super wood and wooden houses in a substantial reduction in property
- Beast mentally soul

- The final selling price to replace BOSS immortal emperor Dili madness order to respect
- Magic silence statue of Emperor Rumo point by the 6000
- The increase in 9000 increased to an ultimate equipment, repair a seal
- The Indian gods serious BUG, the BUG chopped after a failed road immortal, causing other people can not Cultivation. ...
Monday, August 8, 2016
Zombie Defense Custom v8.6 Final
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
2:49 AM

Map Zombie Defense Custom v8.6 Final.w3x download by Lions_Blood
25 waves of non stop carnage!
-Hero Selection of 16 Heros!
-336 Skins/models & a Beer Drinking System... So you can get drunk!
-Voted Best Custom Zombie Map Ever Made!
===Video Options in WC3 Must all be on High to Play===

Category: Other
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 192x192
Playable Area: 181x180
Recommended Players: A Full Team of 8
Size: 8189.3 KB
Download: Zombie Defense Custom v8.6 Final.w3x
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Ares defense v1.5
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
12:30 AM

Map Ares defense v1.5 - Ares record bot v1.5 created chinese member
Chinese name map is 战神封魔录 v1.5 - 作者:Era
Since opening day, the world will have Ares, elves, Devil three groups, they get along at first, but then after a long time, due to the relatively fast development of the forces of the Devil
The ancient god of war, and the patron saint of ancient ancient devil are the world leader of the three forces

Download: Ares def v1.5.w3x
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Naruto fetters 6.8
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
11:36 PM

New role: Nagato
Given the very suggestion that this role would be out of it!
Canceled clouds pendant purchase
Remove the seal Reel later to redeem 250
Strengthening each BOSS six with soil restoration weakness reply own 10% of the blood
Modify sneak rain forbearance village copy waiting time to 8 seconds 3 seconds to enter when prompted for a treasure of God
cancel random three-piece reward clouds
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Anime Team Survival 4.9f
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
1:01 AM

Game have 2 mode that is CLassic and Arena mode.
- [Arena Mode]: The game is over when team lose the survival Crystal.
- [Classisc Mode]: The game is Over when the team lose all their lives or just the Crystal survivl is destroyed.
If have some bug please report to Mindarms in Garena or Facebook. Or comment at

Need Play in all Game with Friends or Enemy,The Password can not showing if you play a single player or use tricks like whosyourdaddy.
for Obtain 3 of this different password need defeat Kami-Sama in the Lost Temple.
The password percent can you obtain depend what mode you will play like this [Classic Mode 50%] For Obtain [Arena Mode 25%].
so Enjoy this Guide!
Enjoy it!
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Double Defense v1.9b
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
10:43 PM

You can choose mode Tower defense or Hero defense
Build tower and buy hero attack creep
Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 116x116
Recommended Players: 1-4
Size: 5161.7 KB
Download: Double Defense V1.9b.w3x
Sunday, July 10, 2016
Naruto Legend 1.3c
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
5:42 PM
Map Naruto Legend 1.3c.w3x by Unryze (Russian)
User map on Warcraft3 engine in the MOBA genre.
Theme Map - Naruto
-Number of characters - 42
-Number of players - 10
-Update version of the map - 1.3C [by]
-Zalita card + mix patch. In the war with the Alliance ninja organization Akatsuki you have to choose one of 42 characters, in order to protect the world of ninja, or implement a plan "Moon eyes" and put him in the eternal illusion. the main purpose of the map - defeat the enemy base where you provide different ways of its execution. Here you do not limit do not in the secret ninja techniques are not at BG. Even you are able to become a Jinchuuriki 10hvostogo, if you have the spirit. Are you ready to take the fate of the shinobi world in their hands?
Language map: Russian
Enjoy the game. Naruto Legend Map created by Russian member (July/11/2016)
Download: Naruto Legend 1.3c
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Custom Hero Survival v2.9
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
12:18 AM

- All Minor Skills Can Upgrade To Level 20-
- All Major Skills Upgrade To Level 3-
- Survive Each Wave By Choosing Your 7 Skills Wisely
- All spells rebalanced. Many spells added. Lots of bug fixes
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 114x94
Recommended Players: 3-9
Size: 5534 KB
Submitted: 18 Jun 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Darkness 2.3
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
3:20 AM

Make by D_War , Heroes Defense , Very Hard .
This map created by VietNam member
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 192x192
Playable Area: 180x180
Recommended Players: Any
Size: 7329.7 KB
Download: Darkness 2.3.w3x
Monday, June 6, 2016
Zombie Defense Custom v7.4 Final.w3x
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
9:21 PM

25 waves of non stop carnage!
-Hero Selection of 16 Heros!
-297 Skins/models & a Beer Drinking System... So you can get drunk!
-Voted Best Custom Zombie Map Ever Made!
===Video Options in WC3 Must all be on High to Play===

Tileset: Cityscape
Dimensions: 160x192
Playable Area: 149x156
Recommended Players: A Full Team of 8
Size: 8133.7 KB
Dimensions: 160x192
Playable Area: 149x156
Recommended Players: A Full Team of 8
Size: 8133.7 KB
Download: Zombie Defense Custom v7.4 Final.w3x
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Posted by
Kim Ngan,
7:18 PM

-TDDH chon hero an Than Dieu Dai Hiep. Code:123456789 : F9 de xem chi tiet
Command: vn, -rp, -swap, -ma, -cl, -vs, -tt, -km
Cap nhat: F9 de xem chi tiet (F9 More info in game)
Command: vn, -rp, -swap, -ma, -cl
- Category: Hero Defense
- Tileset: Cityscape
- Dimensions: 192x128
- Playable Area: 191x128
- Recommended Players: 6
- Size: 8083.2 KB
Gồm 14 Rank:
0: Vô danh tiểu tốt (F)
1: Sơ nhập giang hồ (E)
2: Tiểu thí thân thủ (D)
3: Sơ hiệu phong mang (D+)
4: Tiệm lộ đầu giác (C)
5: Tiểu hữu danh khí (C+)
6: Trượng kiếm giang hồ (B)
7: Thanh danh thước khởi (B+)
8: Dương danh lập vạn (A)
9: Uy danh hiển hách (A+)
10: Danh vang tứ hải (S)
11: cái thế vô song (SS)
12: Độc nhất vô nhị (SSS)
13: Thiên hạ vô song (S+)
P/s: điểm thành tựu có được trong quá trình chơi qua các hoạt động: giết boss, săn item, vượt qua event, chiến tích, vượt qua AB,...
Map hiện tại có 33 hero, lấy ý tưởng từ các game online Kiếm Thế, Thiên Long Bát Bộ, Võ Lâm 2, Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ,...
Nhiệm vụ chính: Phòng thủ
Link download map: Huyen Thoai Vo Lam Defense 4.7.3
Chế độ: có 4 chế độ
- Dễ: mỗi 7 level sẽ có 1 boss xuất hiện, giết boss 5 sẽ win
- Bình thường: level 5,10,16,25,32, xuất hiện Âm Binh (dame cao, hp cao, có stun)
- Khó: Giống bình thường, nhưng ở level 13,19,26,31, xuất hiện boss thủ lĩnh (dame cao, hp cao, sử dụng skill)
- Địa Ngục: Giống khó, nhưng sau khi giết boss 5 sẽ không Win, mà tiếp tục 7 level nữa với Quái cực mạnh (dame cao, Hp cao), sau 7 level sẽ xuất hiện boss cuối
Event: Có 2 event, sau level 6 và level 20
Cách chơi: đơn giản, vào game train level, train gold, lumber sau đó săn boss up item, phòng thủ

Các lệnh trong Map: vn (về nhà)
- Item: 4 Item cơ bản, Giáp, Mũ, Đai, Kiếm => Nâng cấp +4
- Săn thủy tinh để nâng cấp Item +4 => Trang bị thường, tinh luyện, truyền thuyết (có 3 loại trang bị ứng với 3 loại thủy tinh Sức mạnh, nội công, thân pháp)
- Quan Ấn: Khi đủ tiền và danh vọng(Lumber: có được khi đánh quái và event) có thể mua quan ấn Hiệu úy, sau đó nâng cấp lên Thống lĩnh, Phó Tướng, Đại Tướng, Nguyên soái
- Trang sức: hợp nhất Mũ, Giáp, Đai +4 => hạng liên, dùng huyền tinh 1,2,3,4 để nâng cấp hạng liên (có tỉ lệ thành công)
Còn 1 số Item do boss rơi ra
Hướng dẫn ghép Item cho những bạn cần
Link mf:
Link download map: Huyen Thoai Vo Lam Defense 4.7.3
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