Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 116x116
Recommended Players:3v3v3
Size: 8133.4 KB
Ninpou Storm 2.1 changelog
- Towers point is back but now decreased to 3 points only.
- Smart host choice: Always when a MN member is on the game, he will be the host, independently of his slot. Otherwise, the host will be the red player.
- ScanMH is back
- Nidaime Mizukage R now slows and is faster.
- Hashirama R now stuns again but it was reduced from 2s to 1s and damage decreased.
- Deidara E in Flying Mode now stuns again but his creeps do not give map vision anymore.
- Asuma R damage decreased
- Shikamaru R damage back to its original damage (1000xlvl)
- Killer Bee Q and W "fixed"
- Scroll of Speed price is back to 200