Map Naruto Wild Hurricane Chronicles - [0,9b] - NWHC - 0,9b.w3x by Russia member
Size : 128x128 (medium)
Type of terrain : the village (not standard)
AI : Yes
Language : Russian
Genre : AoS
Author : Sannin
Description : Choose one of the 43 characters participating in the exciting and dynamic battles, fighting for his clan!
Date of entry the next version : 12.14.2014
-Added replica to Asuma, Gaara Guy Deydary, Kakashi Kakuzu, Kisame, Moo, Neydzhi, Obito and Hidan. [Bug Fixes]
- "Molecular splitter" Oonoki do more damage than necessary.
- If Ulta Kimimaro fall on those who included "Kung Pao chicken", the "Kung Pao chicken" reflect damage to the corpse, and the corpse will fly away.
- If Naruto clone, which saves chakra hermit skill recharge "Accumulate chakra", then he can press it again, with the first accumulation chakras are not canceled, and get that 1 clone accumulates immediately 2 chakra at the same time.
- The first skill Kimimaro operates across the map, if cast a, to the one who has already departed, then across the map of a bullet.
- Any description of the item in the store is now hard to see.
- You can fly to duel with different things.
- Not a team «-nc».
- You can do teleportation on modulus and blew freely and even during blowing (while Tim Dooley and 1x1).
- After upholstered send creeps in "Kamui", they are trying to go on line.
- If creep, who make TP suck in "Kamui" that the hero will be too, "Kamui", and then you can get out of there only through -base.
- Bagan print Danzo.
- Naruto incorrect damage "usually" rasenganom and "Rasen-shuriken"
- If you turn on "Kung Pao chicken" and Obito will Katun in "Kung Pao chicken", it will be critical.
- If you throw the enemy maelstrom, and he clicks on aktivku country iron, the 100% crit
- Bagan first skill in Jiraiya cd in oil about 80 seconds, and not as it should be 45.
- Buggy duel, often does not take one of the opponents, or just taken his call.
- Does not return to base after blowing 1x1 clone Kakashi, if it's to cast.
- If the enemy will die under the influence of the swamp Jiraiya (skill that comes after the application of the stomach), then the enemy is eternal slowdown.
- Bug Killer Bee if you kill the 2nd form, he remains alive, but in the usual form without covers.
- If Killer Bee off 2 version of transformation or has run out of mana, he shall die.
Set Shinobi
, the activation (for mages): Now press after the installation of the countryside are only heroes. Scope Acquisitions -When activation absorbs the health and chakra (U / sec.): 20 -> 15. Rosary Monk -When activation ally to restore health (%): 15 -> 12.-When activated on the enemy deprives him of attacking and apply techniques (sec.): 5 -> 3.5. -When activation itself gives immunity to magic (sec.) 5 -> 3.5. [HEROES] --- --- NARUTO Rasengan -Prokachka (level): 1/5/9/13 -> 1/6/11/16. --- --- Danza Baku (suction) is a domain of attraction (u): 1000 -> 1375. --- --- Hida Faith in Dzyasina -Pogloschaet damage when triggered (u): 30/60/90/120 -> 20/40/60 / 80. --- --- Kimimaro Cursed Seal -Snizhen damage of equipment Sawarabi no Mai (at death) by 30%.
Download: NWHC - 0,9b.w3x