SUMMARY: This is a work in progress patch which can be released anytime but I wanted to give people the chance to request any small changes or fixes before it goes live. Although not heavy on new content alot of work has gone into developing DH and the Smoulderthorn/Black Dragonflight paths which dosnt show here. I've also tried to fix some of the memeory leak issues which could be making the crashes people get worse, but theres still alot more work to do on this as theres alot of memory leaks which need fixing.
More info: Change Log Lordaeron: TA v1.35
This map centers on the conflicts across Northern and Southern Lordaeron during the events of the Frozen Throne Campaign to WoW Cataclysm. Players control one of many factions and must lead their organisation to domination or defeat. Each faction has many events that can be triggered to progress the individual story lines throughout the map.
I will keep this list updated.
Download: Lordaeron TA v1.35.w3x

I will keep this list updated.
Download: Lordaeron TA v1.35.w3x