Map Fairy tail vs Naruto 0.5a fix.w3x by Crash2017 (September/12/2016)
Changes Fairy tail vs Naruto 0.5a: -Dzherar: Changed the art. With dark beam on the grand chariot
-Leksus: Changed Remote Control on the law fairies
Lucia: Increased damage at the level of 100 x Uranometria
-Elza: Changed effect and partially mechanic "final attack swords"
-Sakura: Changed the effect of art
-Dzhirayya: Changed the effect of Rasengan
Added quests
Added a new mode that disables -nq quests. The bottom line, the player the red after selecting the mode is given 30 seconds to turn off the quest

Added a new boss to speed up the game Muzzle Gere!
The team that kills 4 times Morden Gere wins the game!
I changed places creeps 1 and 3 lvl
Loose creeps 4 and 5 lvlov