Map Naruto World 1.0 S3 B10 - Naruto World Ultimate 1.0 S3 B10.w3x by Rikudou_Sennin
Naruto World Ultimate (RPG)
Repeat the history of Naruto or choose another path's.
Requirements for the addition of a new character that you want (any):
-11 character abilities.
-3 Quest (at least one scene with apom).
-Modelka Character weight, a maximum of 150 KB is not ugly.
-Modelki All abilities, a total of no more than 100 kb.
-If Modelc character weighs more than 150 KB, then the character is done by you in the WE, the maximum space it should occupy 300kb, taking into account the + icon to modelek abilities.
-Skany Manga on each character's ability.

Naruto World 1.0 S3 B10 Features:
- Name Map: Naruto World 1.0 S3 B9.2
- Category: Role Playing (RPG)
- Tileset: Cityscape
- Dimensions: 256x256
- Playable Area: 254x252
- Recommended Players:1x2x2 or full
- Size: 8140.5 KB
- Created by Rikudou_Sennin
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