- Fixed Brewmaster's Storm spirit attack type
- Fixed Tome of Experience stacking and consuming
- Counter Helix now reacts on attack landing only
- Fixed Frost Nova malfunction
- Fixed Forge Spirit's armor decrease malfunctioning
- Fixed Shackleshot ignoring new branch tree
- Fixed dummy HP bar on Lightning bolt
- Reverted Midnight Pulse visual effect
- Added sound to Rot and Powershot
- Fixed Glyph and Scan cooldowns being affected by Octarine core
See full changelog here: Dota 6.88f full changelog

WC3 1.24 is no longer supported. Map won't run or will crash immediately if used. Think about updating to 1.26 (best patch so far).
Map uses memory patching which may conflict with any kind of anti-cheats on server. Don't get banned - ask admins first. Also map relies on WinAPI, which means it cannot be used on non-Windows OS. You can still try emulators or virtual machines.
Download: Dota 6.88f download - Dota v6.88f download