Map OnePiece Battle Royal v1.82 - U9_OP_DDZZ 1.78 zsb.w3x
- Add new hero "Joe" (2) repair abnormal Q Domingo hit BUG
- Repair Smoka Q ignoring the control unit dizzy BUG
- Repair Wusuo Pu W can not dizzy BUG, and change the effect of the elements of the effective R Wu Sopu R reduce the duration of
- Pelona ordinary Form D Faster speed
- Increased by 33% 7. Perona T cooling time reduced to 90
- Perona E distance increased to 2000
- Golden lion F to enhance the suction force of 30%
- Pipa W dizzy time increased to 2 seconds

- Compete in a thrilling battle PvP. Team vs Team, or even in normal mode "every man for himself" ... The card contains your favorite heroes of the most famous anime series "One Piece" Ideas are realized on the manga sung ...
Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Dalaran
Recommended Players: 2-10
Size: 37.08 MB