Map Dota v6.88t9 Allstars - Icefrog
- Fixed Moon Glaive dealing 100% damage while used by illusions
- Fixed Fountains didn't share true sight with players
- Fixed Primal Split Earth Element's Demolish issues with some structures
- Fixed raxes missing spawn creeps anim
- Fixed Burrow (NA) didn't reduce incoming damage
- Fixed Enchant could affect ally unit (slow) or other summons (non-enchanted)
- Fixed rare bug with Hex and metamorphosis-based skills
- Fixed minor issues with leaving playing area
- Fixed Electric Vortex affecting Roshan
- Fixed Tempest Double minor issues
- Fixed Mirror image could go wrong when replacement effects takes place
- Moon Glaive no longer jumps onto Power Cogs or Tombstone
- Moon Glaive now properly kills Zombies
Full changelogs: Dota map 6.88t9 changelog
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88t9.w3x (10083.79 kB - downloaded 7512 times.)
Mirror: http://www.game2g.com/forum/dota/dota-v6-88t8-download/
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88t9.w3x (10083.79 kB - downloaded 7512 times.)
Mirror: http://www.game2g.com/forum/dota/dota-v6-88t8-download/