- Sieger base damage from 56-63 to 49-56, armor from 4 to 3, attackpoint from 0.25 to 0.4
- Pulse Nova damage from 100/130/160 to 90/120/150, Agh slow from 15% to 10/15/20%
- Ice Blast agh duration from 17 to 14s
- No longer possible to get HP through spell lifesteal with Static Field
- Static Field no longer disables Dagger
- Command Aura gained through Devour now only gives 20% damage instead of 30%
- Carrion Swarm CD from 4 to 8/7/6/5s
- Smoke Screen CD from 11 to 13, AoE from 250/275/300/325 to 225/250/275/300, turn rate slow from 30 to 20%
- Shapeshift CD from 100/80/60 to 110/90/70
- Incapacitating Bite now only lasts 2 seconds instead of 4 if used by a range hero
- Drums of War bonus stats from 8/10/12 to 6/8/10, CD from 90/80/70 to 80, manacost from 100/140/180 to 125/175/225
- Shadowrazes, doom, ball lightning, all Blinks and Blinkstrikes now have a static cast time of 0.3
- Skewer, Trample, Waveform now have a static cast time of 0.2
- Supernova Aghanim now reduces the attackspeed of all enemy heroes in damage-AoE by 40
- Skewer and Trample traveling speed increased to 1100
- Arctic Burn cooldown from 50/40/30/20 to 45/40/35/30
- Leap CD from 16/14/12/10 to 15/14/13/12
- Bristleback rear from 16/24/32/40 to 12/18/24/30%, side from 8/12/16/20 to 8/10/12/14%
- If Essence aura is combined with Ball Lightning, Essence Aura procs now only restore 8/10/12/14% of maximum mana pool (instead of 10/15/20/25%).
- Roshan's spell resistance reduced from 75% to 55%
- Added new HCL ss6 == sds6fnssff
See full changelogs here: Dota LOD v6.85l3 changelog
– Download: Dota 6.85l3 lod
Mirror: http://www.game2g.com/forum/dota/dota-lod-6-85l-download/