DotA LoD 6.85n3.w3x map created by DracoL1ch 2018
Config file name changed from "config.lod" to "config.lod.ini"
Fixes and non-balance changes
- Nerubian Assassin's cast backswing from 1.1 to 0.3
- Lina's cast backswing from 1.1 to 0.6
- Rubick's cast backswing from 1.17 to 0.5
- Neutral Satyr's cast backswing from 1.2 to 0.3
- Fixed multicasted Homing missile dealing no damage if being kited for too long
- Fixed Midas'd creeps didn't count as a kill
- Living Armor can no longer target wards or similar things
- Living Armor regeneration is now visible in HP/s metric
- Voodoo Restoration is now properly toggling off when unit doesn't have mana anymore
- Dispersion's damage no longer ignores spell immune enemies
- Fixed Refresher Orb tooltip had incorrect cooldown value
- Ethereal Blade no longer sends caster to Ethereal state unless he is the target
- Supernova & Rearm should now properly refresh all skills, no matter how are they obtained
- Mirror Image-based skills no longer dispel Linken's Sphere
- Linken's Sphere no longer removed on respawn
- Fixed Reiuncarnation (agh) killer detection going for the latest damage source
- Improved Reactive Armor behavior
- Full changelogs lod 6.85n here: Dota 6.85n LOD full changelog