Known Issues:
Temporarily disabled Fixed Aspect Ratio in Video Options````````````````````````````
Chaos Kodo Beasts are showing as idle workers in campaign missions
Unable to input text while keyboard settings are under different languages in zhCN and koKR locales
Certain elements in World Editor overlap
Set/GetAbilityOnXXXX functions are renamed to Set/GetAbilityActivatedXXXX
SetUnitNameAll is disabled for now
PlaySpecialEffect is disabled for now
PlaySpecialEffectWithTimeScale is disabled for now
Crash: With an ability that has "Disabled"=false, attempting to set "Disabled" to false again will crash the World Editor
UnitDisableAbility does not hide an ability with Hide=true and Disabled=false
Default map directory is for from maps when creating custom games
Resolution does not change properly when switching between windowed and full screen
Tooltips for hero abilities may not be update
Bugs Fix:
- Standard/Quick Play maps no longer disappear when patching from 1.28.5 enGB to 1.29.1 enUS
- Plugged the leak allowing Frozen balance into the Chaos bucket
- The team game you attempted to join has been found; Arranged Teams working as intended
- Polish language characters render as Polish again
- The text cursor reprises its role as conjurer of text
- Map download progress % over Battle.net has returned
- /ping command calls forth your need for speed
- Floating text offset corrected in widescreen
- Fog and visibility modifiers affect player 13+
- Visual building upgrades appear for players 13+
- Unit glow for player 12 is muck colored again
- Quest logs update via scrolling
Full changelogs and update here: Warcraft iii 1.29.2/1.30 patch download
Download: Warcraft 3 patch 1.29.2/1.30 download
Download: Warcraft 3 patch 1.29.2/1.30 download