Get DotA Allstars 6.88w9.4.w3x RGC full changelogs and download 2018
- Fixed incorrect visual info about bonus damage from Duels
- Fixed bug when Snowball couldn’t pickup an ally if he was clicked while Snowball was too far away from him
- Fixed Psi Blades being ~25% wider than supposed to
- Fixed Pulse Nova with Aghanim had no manacost
- Fixed Surge providing AS bonus
- Fixed Unstable Concoction had maximum effect possible if Alchemist dies while brewing instead of following default rules
- Fixed Nether Swap’s Aghanim illusion not being auto-selected
- Fixed interaction with Linken’s Sphere and/or Lotus Orb: Poison Touch, Spawn Spiderlings, Mystic Snake, Spirit Lance, Unstable Concoction
- Fixed rare bug with Charge of Darkness immediately interrupting when casted right after Force Staff
- Fixed Timber Chain could deal it’s damage from incorrect source
- Rip Tide debuff now displays icon and apply debuff before damage isntance
- Ethereal Blade is now properly prolonged when casted again
- Fixed Unstable Current triggering Linken’s Sphere but not being blocked
- Alchemist can now gift Aghanim to spell immune ally
Full changelogs here: Dota 6.88w9.4 full changelog
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88w9.4