Sunday, May 29, 2016

Swort Art Online – SAOGGSVer8c.w3x

Map Swort Art Online - SAO GGS v.8c.w3x by Berato
Swort Art Online
Gun Gale Sword
What's new? :
- Fixed Frozen Armor
- Fixed Holy Kriss Blade
  • Category: Role Playing (RPG)
  • Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
  • Dimensions: 256x256
  • Playable Area: 244x244
  • Recommended Players: Any
  • Size: 7866.3 KB

Thursday, May 26, 2016

AFB 1.8a download

Map Anime Final Battle 1.8a released - AFB_1.8a.w3x by Tsuna Sawada
1. Rogue Cheney G Fix cooldown.
2. Archer T Fix to Saitama.
3. Akame T Fix to boss.
4. Akame F Fix 2 time.
5. Akame R,T Fix stun.

  • Category: Hero Arena
  • Tileset: Sunken Ruins
  • Dimensions: 160x160
  • Playable Area: 154x149
  • Recommended Players:Anime Fan
  • Size: 35.2 MB
Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Anime Final Battle 1.8a latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Download: Anime Final Battle v1.8a download - Anime Final Battle 1.8a download

Monday, May 23, 2016

Dota 6.83d AI beta 1.5m1 download

Map Get DotA_v6.83d_AIbeta1.5m1.w3x download

– Fixed Original Master of Wrath A stick disappear Bug
– Bug fixes previous versions because I caused blind replacement text

Only the chosen players (notified by a message) can use the commands. Usually these are Player 1 andPlayer 6.
Use -AIrepick XX command. XX is the number of the slot incomplete AI occupies,
e.x -AIrepick2 , this will make Teal AI player repick his hero.
Note : AI will not lose gold if you use this command.

AI maps (map with computer players / bots)
AI = Again Idiots = Art Inspections
Aluminum Injection
Alien Internet
Application Interference

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Dota 6.86a AI reborn

This map created by Chinese member. This map is Dota 6.86a AI Reborn or Dota AI Reborn

Dota v6.85k AI Reborn Map Download DotA AI REBORN.w3x - News and Update. DotA 6.85k RGC has just released and I bet many players are now looking for the AI version of DotA 6.86a AI Reborn map. Worry not, Dota682.com will give you the latest update of the DotA 6.86a AI Reborn development. Even though currently we still yet have a news about the development, we will make sure to let you know as fast we can when themap come out.
dota dota 6.85k ai reborn

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Dota AI Reborn latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!
If you find some bugs please comment below. Good luck and have fun to all Fans Dota game

Download: Dota AI Reborn - Dota 6.86a AI reborn download

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

BVO New World version 1.0

Bleach vs Onepiece v14.0 is BVO New World 1.0
Bleach vs Onepiece vs Naruto
Update new hero Neji (March/15/2017)
Neji New World Progress 100%
Usopp New World Progress 100%
You can play this map with Other player or Computer (AI+++)
::: BVO New World 1.0 :::
Map Progress 50%
- System Game : 90%
- Heroes : 35%
- Terrian : 10%
- Item & Item Shop : 100%
- New Boss : 100%
- Sound : 100%
- AI : 100%
--- All Heroes Progress ---
Ichigo : 100%
Luffy : 100%
Naruto : 100%
Update new hero Neji (March/15/2017)
Neji New World Progress 100%
Usopp New World Progress 100%
From the author map:
หลังจากที่ได้ตัดสินใจอยู่พักนึง ผมได้ตัดสินใจเลิกพัฒนาแมพ BVO ต่อจากคุณ Kurogane อย่างไม่มีกำหนด และได้ย้ายออกมาทำแมพใหม่เป็นของตัวเองเพราะรู้สึกแมพนั้นปัญหาต่างๆ จะเยอะมาก และไม่สามารถทำอะไรต่อได้หลายๆ อย่าง เนื่องจากเป็น deprotect map.
แมพใหม่ผมได้ทำไว้แล้วประมาณ 30% และจะตั้งชื่อว่า BVO New World และจะยังคงรูปแบบเกมของ BVO ไว้ โดยจะพัฒนาระบบในเกม , ตัวละคร ให้ดีขึ้นกว่าเดิม
ส่วน Credit ก็ยังขอให้เป็นของคุณ Kurogane เช่นเดิม เนื่องจากเป็นคนทำแมพ BVO มาตั้งแต่ยุคแรกๆ
//ขอบคุณทุกคนที่ติดตามครับ หากมีข้อเสนอ Comment ไว้ได้เลย เดียวผมจะมาไล่อ่านทีหลัง
About 50 % and will be labeled bvo new world and will continue to form a game of bvo by developing the system in the game, the characters to better than the original.

As for credit still ask yours kurogane illusions because did matt mon bvo since early age

Source: BVO New World 1.0 - BVO New World version 1.0 update

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Map Huyen Thoai Vo Lam (Defense) v4.7.3.w3x by Nh Blade Master (VietNam)

-TDDH chon hero an Than Dieu Dai Hiep. Code:123456789 : F9 de xem chi tiet
Command: vn, -rp, -swap, -ma, -cl, -vs, -tt, -km

Cap nhat: F9 de xem chi tiet (F9 More info in game)
Command: vn, -rp, -swap, -ma, -cl
  • Category: Hero Defense
  • Tileset: Cityscape
  • Dimensions: 192x128
  • Playable Area: 191x128
  • Recommended Players: 6
  • Size: 8083.2 KB
Map mới sẽ có hệ thống xếp hạng thành tựu vào cuối game nhé (dù thắng hay thua)
Gồm 14 Rank:
0: Vô danh tiểu tốt (F)
1: Sơ nhập giang hồ (E)
2: Tiểu thí thân thủ (D)
3: Sơ hiệu phong mang (D+)
4: Tiệm lộ đầu giác (C)
5: Tiểu hữu danh khí (C+)
6: Trượng kiếm giang hồ (B)
7: Thanh danh thước khởi (B+)
8: Dương danh lập vạn (A)
9: Uy danh hiển hách (A+)
10: Danh vang tứ hải (S)
11: cái thế vô song (SS)
12: Độc nhất vô nhị (SSS)
13: Thiên hạ vô song (S+)

P/s: điểm thành tựu có được trong quá trình chơi qua các hoạt động: giết boss, săn item, vượt qua event, chiến tích, vượt qua AB,...

Map hiện tại có 33 hero, lấy ý tưởng từ các game online Kiếm Thế, Thiên Long Bát Bộ, Võ Lâm 2, Tiếu Ngạo Giang Hồ,...

Nhiệm vụ chính: Phòng thủ

Chế độ: có 4 chế độ
- Dễ: mỗi 7 level sẽ có 1 boss xuất hiện, giết boss 5 sẽ win
- Bình thường: level 5,10,16,25,32, xuất hiện Âm Binh (dame cao, hp cao, có stun)
- Khó: Giống bình thường, nhưng ở level 13,19,26,31, xuất hiện boss thủ lĩnh (dame cao, hp cao, sử dụng skill)
- Địa Ngục: Giống khó, nhưng sau khi giết boss 5 sẽ không Win, mà tiếp tục 7 level nữa với Quái cực mạnh (dame cao, Hp cao), sau 7 level sẽ xuất hiện boss cuối

Event: Có 2 event, sau level 6 và level 20

Cách chơi: đơn giản, vào game train level, train gold, lumber sau đó săn boss up item, phòng thủ

Các lệnh trong Map: vn (về nhà)
  • Item: 4 Item cơ bản, Giáp, Mũ, Đai, Kiếm => Nâng cấp +4
  • Săn thủy tinh để nâng cấp Item +4 => Trang bị thường, tinh luyện, truyền thuyết (có 3 loại trang bị ứng với 3 loại thủy tinh Sức mạnh, nội công, thân pháp)
  • Quan Ấn: Khi đủ tiền và danh vọng(Lumber: có được khi đánh quái và event) có thể mua quan ấn Hiệu úy, sau đó nâng cấp lên Thống lĩnh, Phó Tướng, Đại Tướng, Nguyên soái
  • Trang sức: hợp nhất Mũ, Giáp, Đai +4 => hạng liên, dùng huyền tinh 1,2,3,4 để nâng cấp hạng liên (có tỉ lệ thành công)
Còn 1 số Item do boss rơi ra

H­ướng dẫn ghép Item cho những bạn cần
Link mf: http://www.mediafire.com/download/6o3143hke6wywhf/ 

Anime Character Fight 2.9d - ACF v2.9d.w3x

Map ACF Version 2.9d - Anime Character Fight v2.9d by Unryze
Map Maker: Unryze
  • Category: Hero Arena
  • Tileset: Ashenvale
  • Dimensions: 96x64
  • Playable Area: 84x56
  • Recommended Players: 1x1 / 2x2 / 3x3 / 4x4
  • Size: 7579.3 KB

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about  latest Anime Character Fight 2.9d - ACF v2.9d.w3x details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Pudge Wars - MAFIA v1.1 AI

Map Pudge Wars - MAFIA v1.1 AI Created by Shanghai

Can play this map with other Player or Computer (AI+++)

Changelog v1.1: 
Reduced casting time blink spell.
Heroes invulnerable for 3 seconds
Removed bugs for knockback system
Some game balancing

Pudge Wars - MAFIA is made by Shanghai. Its diffrent then other Pudge Wars. With help from AProject this map become finished.

There was a tournament where only the best butchers would win. So Pudge joined the tournament. They did say only the best butcher could win. He become a legend in another game, you know what game im talking about. But in this game he could become the best. So who will be the best butcher? Lets fight!
The gameplay is different from others Pudge Wars. Try to get the right items for your hero. And hook the enemies. This is a team play. You play with 5 vs 5. The best will win. There is a blink spell to make the game more intresting. Also there is an AI added to the game. Try to get away from the hooks to survive.

There are 2 different modes. -kills/-x and -deathmatch/dm. Type the - and the amount of X-kills. or deathmatch mode -dm or - deathmatch.

X Hero Siege D-Day v1.4d

Map X Hero Siege D-Day v1.4d.w3x Created by BloodDrunk

Select your hero and fight your wave to the DevilDare, while defending your Headstructure (Skull Of Dread). Challenge yourself by doing various missions and fightning minibosses.

Available Game Modes: -ar ,-ap, -sh, -sm, -bg
Ap (All Pick) - Players gets to pick any hero from any tavern
Ar (All Random) - A random hero is given to every player
Sh (Same Hero) - Randomizes host's hero and players are given the same hero that the host controls
Sm (Spam Mode) - FOR FUN ONLY! Spells have no cooldown or manacost
Bg (Bonus Gold) - Players gain periodic income depending on game difficulty

Display available cheat codes by typing "-cheats"

Available Cheat Codes:
-um (Unobstructs your movement)
-om (Obstructs your movement)
-gold # (Adds input number gold to you)
-gems # (Adds input number gems to you)
-freeze gold (Freezes your current gold)
-freeze gems (Freezes your current gems)
-kill enemies (Kills all organic enemy units on the map)
-lvlup # (Sets the level of your hero to the input number (Max is 25))
-invurnerable (Makes your hero invurnerable)
-vurnerable (Makes your hero vurnerable)
-str # (Adds input number to your strength points)
-agi # (Adds input number to your agility points)
-int # (Adds input number to your intelligence points)
-ms # (Sets your hero's movespeed to the input number)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Anime Final Battle - AFB 1.7b

Map Anime Final Battle 1.7b released - AFB_1.7b.w3x by Tsuna Sawada
  • Hero passive attack skill stun add 5s cd
  • Unable to pick up enemy items
  • Add omashu R skill release speed and range
  • Fix goku E100% QAQ
  • Airan G skill add 2s→4s sleep time

  • Category: Hero Arena
  • Tileset: Sunken Ruins
  • Dimensions: 160x160
  • Playable Area: 154x149
  • Recommended Players:Anime Fan
  • Size: 30.78 MB
Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Anime Final Battle 1.7b latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Anime Final Battle v1.7b download
Anime Final Battle 1.7b download
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