- 5 new PVE Sets (DK, Paladin, Mage, Rogue and Warlock)
- 6 new PVP Sets (Warrior, Monk, Priest, Shaman, Druid, Hunter)
- PVE and PVP Sets now can drop in PVE Mode
- several classes got buffs in PVE Mode to make them viable (available buffs are: +25 spelldamage, +50 spelldamage, +25% critical strike chance, +4 Armor)
- Shade of Akama Boss: Healer Adds will now try to cast Tranquility twice (once before)
- the Questlog now contains detailed information about the PVE Mode
- if you beat Bosses in PVE Hardcore Mode without dying once, you can save your Boss progression with "-save" and load it with "-load"
- Dragonwrath item now also grants a small bonus to spelldamage
- Val'anyr item now also grants a small bonus to int
- Gar'tok item grants a small bonus to str
- Claws of Shek'zeer item gives a small bonus to str
Download: WoWArenaAllstars6.6e.w3x