- Added duration bar for allied wards
- Fogged item transfers now shouldn't be visible (originally you could see chests for a split second when revealing fog of war)
- Rikimaru got buff for Invisibility
- Aura visuals removed
- Fixed various tooltips
- Fixed Black market visuals
- Fixed fountain healing visual effect stays forever
- Fixed Ursa missing last Overpowered hit animation
- New visual for Skeleton Walk, Death Pact, Janggo, Glimmer Cape, Solar Crest, Guardian Greaves, Blademail, Moonlight shadows
- New icons for Death pact, Doom, Global Silence, Guardian Greaves, Hook, Moonshard, Octarine Core, Poison attack, Psi Blades, Requiem of souls, Skeleton walk, Solar Crest, Spin Web, Moon shard
Link download: Dota 6.84a beta 4