- Reverted control loss on Berserker's call or Winter's Curse
- Autoattack switching removed
- Fixed issues with wave-based spells
- Fixed Double damage disappear on morphs
- Courier morphing disabled to prevent permanent death bug
- Hookshot and Ensnare can now be casted while in Ethereal form
- Added "Wheres courier" button in Game options
- Added damage type hint in Game options
- Added testers crew into Quests
- Scoreboard now supports cooldown reducing
- Fixed Alchemist, Lycanthrope, Dragon Knight and Undying ultimate timers being wrong
- Satir Trickster manapool increased from 400 to 500
- Test command -lvlup now can be used as -l
- Test command -dummy now can be used as -d
- Test command -killall now can be used as -ka
- Test command -gold now can be used as -g
- Chat command -clear now can be used as -c
- Chat command -md switch mouse denying option state
- Chat command -hold switch double hold option state
- Various tooltips fixes
- Issue with missing player's slots data for Ghost bot fixed
- Ghost bot data improved: now instead of "final gold" provides player's networth
Read full changelog here: Dota 6.84a beta 8 changelog
Download: DotA v6.84a Allstars B8.w3x