- 'Desintegrate' marker now displayed in the correct direction
- Slimes now have a limited lifespan
- Slimes now have reduced HP and no longer regenerate HP
- Slime damage reduced (however, at a high ArP)
- disenchanting a weapon will now always yield a raremat
- disenchanting everything else will yield a common mat
- 3 item requirement from disenchanting removed
- Fixed a tooltip error with the monk talent for Symbol of Fury
- merc ressurection/dismiss now share a slot in the command card
- Reduced HP of Overseer
- Slightly reduced number of missiles created by 'Fel Nova'
- Implemented a new boss for betatesting; as always, use -test to access the boss area
If you experience crashes during the loading process, try set your Texture Quality setting to high. That should fix the problem. I also recommend setting Light Quality to high, or you might encounter graphic bugs inside dungeons.
Download: GaiasORPG_v1_2B(13).w3x