Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dota 6.85b download

Map DotA v6.85b Allstars.w3x download by Dracol1ch


  • Fixed Thunder Lizard missing Slam ability
  • New icons for Thunder Lizard Slam and Dragonhide aura

    Bounty Hunter

  • Track now grants bonus gold even if target has reincarnation available instead of only per kills

  • Centaur

  • Fixed Double Edge dealing less damage onto caster than should

  • Chaos Knight

  • Fixed chaos strike could affect structures

  • Clinkz

  • Fixed Searing Arrows with Lifesteal healing from damage dealt to illusions

  • Clockwerk

  • Power Cogs target type changed from Structure to Ward
  • Splash and Moon Glaive no longer affects Power Cogs
See full changelog here: Dota 6.85b changelog

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