Getdota Map DotA v6.85b LoD.w3x download by ResQ
LoD Balances
- Removed -EB (Extended Balance) and -MA (Mass Aghanims, obsolete now as Agha will count for both ultis in -s6) modes. EB, MA modes removed from all HCL strings
- Waveform, Light Strike Array, Overpower, Fireblast, Dragon Tail, Sleight of Fist, Hellfire Blast, Slithereen Crush, Amplify Damage, Skeleton Walk, Split Earth, Carrion Swarm, Purifying Flames, False Promise no longer have a seperate EB version. Apart from Carrion Swarm, Purifying Flames, Dragon Tail, Slithereen Crush and False Promise, the other spell’s EB version is now the default. (For the 5 mentioned spells: The non-EB version is now default), other -EB stuff like banned combos and stun duration diminishing effects are now all in normal non-BO
- Permanent Invisibility no longer increases HPreg in -BO
- Plague Wards free bonus Poison Sting from lvl 1/2/3/4 to 0/1/2/3 (now has no Poison Sting at level 1 ward, and lvl 3 Poison Sting at level 4 ward)
- Witchcraft MS from 5/10/15/20% to 4/8/12/16%
- Freezing Field blasts now appear 10% quicker
- Phantom Rush starts cooling down already when it’s used instead of when you arrive at the target
- Deafening Blast no longer releases waves around you on level 4, it now has an Aghanim’s upgrade which does exactly that
- Lifebreak CD from 12 to 20, agha from 4 to 12
- Spit (Kodo Master) CD from 18/16/14/12 to 12, now reduces all stats by 8 instead of only Strength
- Black Hole Agha now always applies level 4 Midnight Pulse
- Living Armor damage-block instances now stack if cast again (e.g. 2x multicast adds 14 instances of damageblock)
- Overwhelming Odds no longer affects Primal Split, creeps dominated by Enchant or Helm of the Dominator; Overwhelming Odds now properly supports multicasting / CD reduce
- Mana Void stun from 0.1/0.2/0.3 to 0.3
- X Marks the Spot cooldown rescaled from 19/16/13/10 to 14/12/10/8
- Skeleton Walk (Clinkz) MS bonus from 11/22/33/44% to 10/15/20/25%
- Storm Bolt damage from 100/175/250/325 to 100/125/150/175
- Dismember, Shackles and Fiend’s Grip now grant Truesight on the affected target for the spell’s duration
- Mortal Wounds damage from 20/25/30/35% to 30/35/40/45%, improved FX
- Sanity Eclipse now affects illusions
- Summon Wolves no longer kills existing wolves, now possible to stack them
- Stygian Desolator is no longer an Orb Effect
- Flesh Heap AoE from 400 to 700, STR from 1/1.5/2/2.5 to 0.5/1/1.5/2
- Sprint now also grants 20/30/40/50 attackspeed for it’s duration
- Fire Show melee chance from 30/35/40/45% to 35/40/45/50%, range chance from 15/20/25/30% to 20/25/30/35%, when attacking anything non-enemy-hero, the damage from your own stat values is now full and not halved, updated FX
- Sunder manacost from 150/75/0 to 100/50/0, CD from 120/80/40 to 80/60/40
- Mana Break is now no longer an Orb Effect and stacks with Diffusal Blade
- Dark Troll Warlord attack range increased to 500
- Dark Troll attack range increased to 500
- Troll Berserker attack range increased to 500
- Troll High Priest attack range increased to 600
- Gnoll Assassin attack range increased to 500
- Harpy Storm attack range increased to 450
- Ancient neutrals no longer sleep
- Roshan now has real Linken’s Sphere instead of old spell block
- Roshan respawn time is no longer rounded to minutes (480-660 seconds now)
- Expired Aegis now heals up HP & MP instead of only HP and dispells only on damage higher than 20
To remove the fact that hotkeys overlay, we recommend using Auct Hotkeys Tool v2.8d (AHT v2.8d). It allows you to have more than 1 spell on the same hotkeywhile not forcingyou to click spells.
- Download .w3x: http://www.game2g.com/forum/dota/dota-v6-85b-lod-downlaod/
- Download .zip: http://www.gameyup.com/sdm_downloads/map-dota-6-85b-lod-download/