- Added a note about spell immunity piercing to Poison sting
- Replay now stores packet "FF+" whenever any player use -gg to forfeit, and "FF-" whenever player decide not to forfeit. Value contains player's ID
- Penitence no longer based on Drunken Haze
- Hand of God now properly heals hidden allies
- Guardian Angle no longer being dispelled by allied dispells
- Fixed Psionic Trap iteraction with Linken's Sphere
- Fixed Static Field affecting Roshan
However, its cooldown can still be reset and doing so does not affect its broken state.
Cooldown resetting effects are: Rearm, Refresher Orb and -refresh/-wtf commands (and Supernova, but that one doesn't reset item cooldowns).

WC3 1.24 is no longer supported. Map won't run or will crash immediately if used. Think about updating to 1.26 (best patch so far).
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