Friday, December 18, 2015

Silent Hill Downpour 1.3

Map Silent Hill Downpour 1.3.w3x Created by Purparisien

You are a group of criminals being transferred to a high security prison. To get there, the police must travel through the ghost town of Silent Hill. However, you wind up trapped inside the town and have to escape it.
About the Map
Kind of Map : Survival Horror

Number of Players : 1-12

Gameplay : You control a prisoner and you have to escape the town or to face the Pyramid Head. If you are familiar with Maniac With Saw, you will recognize a bit of the gameplay. There is a killer and its victims.

However, the killer is chosen randomly the first night. Therefore, you don't know who to trust before nightfall. The map is slip up in two sections : during day time you wanderer in Silent Hill, while in night time you are in twisted world which is more dangerous.

if the player plays alone, the IA will take control of the Pyramid Head. Then you will have to kill him or escape the city before he reaches you.

How to play
This map has some original features:

Dynamic Camera:
The camera follows the players smoothly and can be adjusted. Besides, each building of the town can be visited.

Original Weapons : Your character may find various weapons which has special effects (Mace, Wrench or Guns). Some will need ammo, other fuel (chainsaw).

Radio : The Radio will allow you to discuss with other players who have one. It also creates heavy noises when an evil creature is too close.

Light : Each player has a Torch to see during the Night. However, the Torch consumes your battery and may attract other creatures. Be careful.

Stamina : As in Maniac With Saw, your character can be exhausted if he walks or run too much. He will be an easier target for the Pyramid Head.

Various Ending : Depending of the remaining survivors and their actions, the ending will change.

Download: Silent Hill - Downpour 1.3.w3x

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dota 6.85h map download

      Getdota map 6.85h allstars download by Dragonlich

    Faceless Void

  • Fixed Chronosphere disabling evasion on illusions
  • Juggernaut

  • Fixed Omnislash cannot target ancient neutrals
  • Omnislash can now target invulnerable targets (so it's now correctly reflected by Lotus Orb)
  • Pit Lord

  • Firestorm damage per second debuff now purgeable
See full changelog here: Dota 6.85h changelog

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Who's Your Daddy - Don't Kill the Baby game

Who's Your Daddy is a casual 1 on 1 video game featuring a clueless father attempting to prevent his infant son from certain death. 

Current Features
  • A beautiful home for you to watch over your son in 
  • Physics based game play allowing you to move small objects as you please 
  • Beautiful compositions to be played on your baby's piano 
  • Two unique character types to play as 
  • Randomized locations of crucial items 
  • Awesome power ups for being able to do chores 
  • Available for PC, Mac, and soon Linux/Steam OS

The Characters
Who's Your Daddy features two different characters to play as, the daddy and the baby. 
The daddy's goal is to prevent the baby from dying. He has a number of items that can be found inside the house to help him complete this task such as: 
  • Power Outlet Covers 
  • Cabinet Locks 
  • Pills
The father player also has the option to do various chores around the house, such as cleaning up toys or changing a smoke alarm battery. Doing these side activities rewards the father player with a power up to help him watch over his son. Some examples of these are: 
  • Peek-A-Boo: Makes the daddy invisible 
  • Bat Dad: Daddy can see baby's health and location through walls 
  • Say Momma: Daddy can see the location of important objects through walls
The daddy player faces a number of challenges, due to needing the knowledge of how to approach any danger his baby may be in. He needs to be alert, fast moving and prepared for anything if he wants to keep his son safe. 
The baby's goal is to take his own life using whatever objects within the house he can get his little hands on. This includes actions such as: 
  • Shoving forks into power outlets 
  • Chugging various cleaning products 
  • Scuba diving unsupervised in the tub

The baby player has minimal responsibility and this allows for a simple, yet erratic play style. 

Planned Features
  • Dadchievements: Awards for being the very best dad! 
  • Customizable Daddy and Baby Characters: Unlock plenty of hats, shirts and diapers interchangable between both characters! 
  • Multiple TV channels! 
  • Pets! 
  • Tutorial! 
  • Single Player Option 
  • Controller and 2 Player Split-screen Support!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

DotA v6.85f Allstars.w3x

Get Map DotA v6.85f Allstars.w3x patch update and download


  • Fixed Echo slam had no effect on fogged units
  • Added FX for Echo Slam

  • Geomancer

  • Fixed Meepo clones iteraction with Wraith State and Aegis
  • Fixed Meepo permanently dies if clone killed while holding Aghanim

  • Gyrocopter

  • Fixed Homing Missile could deal damage multiple times

  • Lifestealer

  • If Infested creep being re-dominated Lifestealer will keep vision over it

  • Lone Druid

  • Spirit Bear can now use Tranquil boots bonuses normally instead of always wearing broken version
  • Fixed Spirit Bear keeping Heart of Tarrasque and Tranquil Boots even if damaged
  • Fixed Lone Druid's Battle Cry could be abused with morphing into the Bear and back
See full changelog here: Dota 6.85f changelog

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Anime LOCS2 0.8b

Map Anime LOCS2 - 0.8b.w3x by Hirako32

Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 256x256
Playable Area: 188x190
Recommended Players: 3-9
Size: 8134.6 KB

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about LOCS2 - 0.8b latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!


Map Gaias Retaliation ORPG v1.2B (13) fix Created by Todeszwiebel, teh.fellow, muzzel ; Uploaded by: Zwiebelchen

CHANGELOG (v1.2B (13)):
- 'Desintegrate' marker now displayed in the correct direction
- Slimes now have a limited lifespan
- Slimes now have reduced HP and no longer regenerate HP
- Slime damage reduced (however, at a high ArP)
- disenchanting a weapon will now always yield a raremat
- disenchanting everything else will yield a common mat
- 3 item requirement from disenchanting removed
- Fixed a tooltip error with the monk talent for Symbol of Fury
- merc ressurection/dismiss now share a slot in the command card
- Reduced HP of Overseer
- Slightly reduced number of missiles created by 'Fel Nova'
- Implemented a new boss for betatesting; as always, use -test to access the boss area

If you experience crashes during the loading process, try set your Texture Quality setting to high. That should fix the problem. I also recommend setting Light Quality to high, or you might encounter graphic bugs inside dungeons.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Defense of the Anime TH 2.0.w3x

Map Defense of the Anime TH 2.0.w3x released by Map By [PA]2al3o]2A

Aos map 3 way.
22 hero.
เพิ่ม Accelerator 
Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 224x224
Playable Area: 224x224
Recommended Players: War3 Anime
Size: 7679.1 KB

Map dota 6.85e lod download

Getdota Map DotA v6.85e LoD.w3x download by ResQ

Dota v6.85e lod changelog:
  • Fixed Deafening Blast affecting magic immune enemies
  • Fixed Frostbite, Crystal Nova, Penitence tooltips
  • Fixed Talon Queen not having enough armor, fixed Dragon Blood giving her too much armor
  • Fixed Eye in the Forest not being invisible
  • Fixed Gush being physical damage instead of magical damage
  • Fixed Death Ward (Aghanim's) level 2 not having 1 bounce
  • Fixed Helm of Iron Will sellcost being too high
  • Fixed Track not giving bonus gold in some cases
  • Fixed Mana Break not working for melee illusions
  • Fixed Witchcraft hiding your hero with Mirror Image based skills (Mirror Image, Phantasm, etc.)
  • Fixed Witchcraft causing morph skills to morph you back instantly, fixed Witchcraft causing a fatal error
  • Fixed Unrefined Fireblast (Multicast agha) not working correctly with cooldown reduction
See full changelog here: Dota 6.85e lod changelog

To remove the fact that hotkeys overlay, we recommend using Auct Hotkeys Tool v2.8d (AHT v2.8d). It allows you to have more than 1 spell on the same hotkeywhile not forcingyou to click spells.

Holy War 1.58a

Map Holy War 1.58a Created by iXeddin,rulerofiron99 ; Uploaded by: iXeddin

    Map Info:
    Build an army on your territory. Every round, your army spawns to fight either against randomised creep waves, or against another player's army. You have no direct control over your army after it spawns; your role is to build the right units in the right formation and gave them correct orders. Victory is achieved by acquiring a set number of Victory Points, gained by beating other players' armies.

    Suggested players: 2-6.
    Playable in single player, but not recommended (balance is for 2+ players)

    Similar to (and drawing inspiration from):
    - Legion TD
    - Blood Tournament

    Apparently also similar to Pokemon Defense.

    • Unique TD-ish gameplay, combining the low-APM requirement of Tower Defense with the glorious battles of melee Warcraft. 
    • Set your army in a formation to maximise its damage and survivability. 
    • Eleven different races to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. 
    • Use global-range spells to influence battles, improve your army, or slow down another player's progress. 
    • Powerful bosses, each with special random abilities designed to plow through your tanks and engage all elements of your army. 
    • Randomised creep waves, ensuring that each game is different to the last. 
    • Failing a level doesn't mean it's over for you; you get to fight it again next round. Although this might slow down your progress (and thus army size), you will never find yourself out of the running. 
    • Many options and army styles to choose from, and designed to all be viable. Holy war isn't a game where the winning strategy is to simply spam a powerful unit; every build and every strategy has a counter. 
    • Set custom behaviours on your units; e.g. to have them perform a tactical retreat when near death, or flank your enemy's army. 
    • Multiple game modes: Survival (leak X amount of waves to lose, last player wins), Classic (as described above) and Tournament (you fight against players each round); each of which can be customised with Short/Medium/Long and Allpick/Draft/Allrandom 
    • Over 180+ unique units. 
    • Epic mass duels, and raid boss battle. (Classic and Survival mode) 
    • Two alternate endings(in survival mode) 
    • Hell mode: -heavydrugabuse. 
    • You can choose from eleven different terrain with various landscape bonuses. 
    • Hell random bots(works at hard difficulty)

      Wednesday, December 2, 2015

      DotA v6.85e Allstars.w3x

      Get Map DotA v6.85e Allstars.w3x patch update and download


        • Fixed Buyback wasting gold if no hero choosen
        • Hero no longer receives experience for a kill if dies first
        • Fixed megacreeps for Scourges had no max upgrades
        • Fixed Ping courier option shows point to all players instead of caster only
        • Fountain damage type changed from Chaos to Siege (25% less damage to heroes)
        • Towers no longer provides vision for 3 seconds after being destroyed
        • Fountain courier protection removed – any courier can now fly nearby enemy fountain as normal units
        • When tower being denied it’s properly removed from Fog of War
        • Gust, Walrus Kick, Homing Missle, Fire spirits effect, Chilling Touch, Cold Feet, Shadow Word, Greater Bash, Deafening Blast, Tombstone Zombies, Decay, Ion Shell, Shackleshot, Fury Swipes, Phantom Rush, Mana Leak, Liquid Fire, Dream Coil, Electric Vortex, Torrent, Urn of Shadows (heal), Force Staff, Boots of travel (upg), Janggo of Endurance, Veil of Discord, Crimson Guard, Warcry, Battle Trance, Time Walk, Lightning Storm Slow, Tether Slow, Walrus Punch slow, Splinter Blast slow, Rolling Boulder slow no longer affect (being dispelled) heroes which dies while affected and reincarnates
        • Skewer, Dark Rift, Static Link, Scorched Earth, Flesh Golem, Fire Spirits, Tether, Icarus Dive, Pounce, Dark Pact, Ice Blast, Astral Imprisonment Int steal, Death Pact, Flaming Lasso, Flamebreak movement, Focus Fire, Powershot, Windrunner, Meld, Overpower, Ancestral Spirit, Ancestral Spirit bonuses, Phantom Rush, Fiery Soul, Bladefury, Battery Assault, Test of Faith (teleportation), Unstable Concoction, Soul Ring, now properly stops (being dispelled) if caster dies and reincarnates
      See full changelog here: Dota 6.85e changelog

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