Sunday, December 6, 2015

Map dota 6.85e lod download

Getdota Map DotA v6.85e LoD.w3x download by ResQ

Dota v6.85e lod changelog:
  • Fixed Deafening Blast affecting magic immune enemies
  • Fixed Frostbite, Crystal Nova, Penitence tooltips
  • Fixed Talon Queen not having enough armor, fixed Dragon Blood giving her too much armor
  • Fixed Eye in the Forest not being invisible
  • Fixed Gush being physical damage instead of magical damage
  • Fixed Death Ward (Aghanim's) level 2 not having 1 bounce
  • Fixed Helm of Iron Will sellcost being too high
  • Fixed Track not giving bonus gold in some cases
  • Fixed Mana Break not working for melee illusions
  • Fixed Witchcraft hiding your hero with Mirror Image based skills (Mirror Image, Phantasm, etc.)
  • Fixed Witchcraft causing morph skills to morph you back instantly, fixed Witchcraft causing a fatal error
  • Fixed Unrefined Fireblast (Multicast agha) not working correctly with cooldown reduction
See full changelog here: Dota 6.85e lod changelog

To remove the fact that hotkeys overlay, we recommend using Auct Hotkeys Tool v2.8d (AHT v2.8d). It allows you to have more than 1 spell on the same hotkeywhile not forcingyou to click spells.

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