Saturday, November 29, 2014

Diablo Defense Survival 5.23

Map Diablo Defense Survival V5.23 - Diablo_Defense_5.23opt.w3x by Rus|Verm, DracoLich

The game can be played as a single or a group of up to 8 players. Duration of the game less than an hour.

Map on a survival heroes. (RUS\ENG).  Recommended game platform iCCup.com.
Map Diablo Defense Survival created by Russian member
Authors: Rus|Verm, DracoLich, Night

Category: Hero Defense
Recommended Players: 1-8
Size: 5312.3 KB

Download: Diablo Defense Survival V5.23


Friday, November 28, 2014

Naruto Wild Hurricane Chronicles 0.9b - NWHC - 0,9b.w3x

Map Naruto Wild Hurricane Chronicles - [0,9b] - NWHC - 0,9b.w3x by Russia member

Size : 128x128 (medium)
Type of terrain : the village (not standard)
AI : Yes
Language : Russian
Genre : AoS
Author : Sannin
Description : Choose one of the 43 characters participating in the exciting and dynamic battles, fighting for his clan!
Date of entry the next version : 12.14.2014

-Added replica to Asuma, Gaara Guy Deydary, Kakashi Kakuzu, Kisame, Moo, Neydzhi, Obito and Hidan. [Bug Fixes]
  1. "Molecular splitter" Oonoki do more damage than necessary.
  2. If Ulta Kimimaro fall on those who included "Kung Pao chicken", the "Kung Pao chicken" reflect damage to the corpse, and the corpse will fly away.
  3. If Naruto clone, which saves chakra hermit skill recharge "Accumulate chakra", then he can press it again, with the first accumulation chakras are not canceled, and get that 1 clone accumulates immediately 2 chakra at the same time.
  4. The first skill Kimimaro operates across the map, if cast a, to the one who has already departed, then across the map of a bullet.
  5. Any description of the item in the store is now hard to see.
  6. You can fly to duel with different things.
  7. Not a team «-nc».
  8. You can do teleportation on modulus and blew freely and even during blowing (while Tim Dooley and 1x1).
  9. After upholstered send creeps in "Kamui", they are trying to go on line.
  10. If creep, who make TP suck in "Kamui" that the hero will be too, "Kamui", and then you can get out of there only through -base.
  11. Bagan print Danzo.
  12. Naruto incorrect damage "usually" rasenganom and "Rasen-shuriken"
  13. If you turn on "Kung Pao chicken" and Obito will Katun in "Kung Pao chicken", it will be critical.
  14. If you throw the enemy maelstrom, and he clicks on aktivku country iron, the 100% crit
  15. Bagan first skill in Jiraiya cd in oil about 80 seconds, and not as it should be 45.
  16. Buggy duel, often does not take one of the opponents, or just taken his call.
  17. Does not return to base after blowing 1x1 clone Kakashi, if it's to cast.
  18. If the enemy will die under the influence of the swamp Jiraiya (skill that comes after the application of the stomach), then the enemy is eternal slowdown.
  19. Bug Killer Bee if you kill the 2nd form, he remains alive, but in the usual form without covers.
  20. If Killer Bee off 2 version of transformation or has run out of mana, he shall die.

Set Shinobi
, the activation (for mages): Now press after the installation of the countryside are only heroes. Scope Acquisitions -When activation absorbs the health and chakra (U / sec.): 20 -> 15. Rosary Monk -When activation ally to restore health (%): 15 -> 12.-When activated on the enemy deprives him of attacking and apply techniques (sec.): 5 -> 3.5. -When activation itself gives immunity to magic (sec.) 5 -> 3.5. [HEROES] --- --- NARUTO Rasengan -Prokachka (level): 1/5/9/13 -> 1/6/11/16. --- --- Danza Baku (suction) is a domain of attraction (u): 1000 -> 1375. --- --- Hida Faith in Dzyasina -Pogloschaet damage when triggered (u): 30/60/90/120 -> 20/40/60 / 80. --- --- Kimimaro Cursed Seal -Snizhen damage of equipment Sawarabi no Mai (at death) by 30%.

Download: NWHC - 0,9b.w3x

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Bleach vs Naruto 2.1a

Map Bleach vs Naruto v2.1a - BleachVsNarutoV2.1a-O.w3x by Archangel (Russian)

This version update on November/02/2014....Good luck and have fun
Containing characters from both animes, fighting in an arena. You need Warcraft III and it's expansion pack : The Frozen Throne in order to play it. And I suggest playing it online.

Category: Hero Arena
Recommended Players: 2-10
Size: 7708.5 KB

Fight Of Anime 2.9b.w3x

Fight Of Anime
Map Fight Of Anime v2.9b.w3x by Create Map by : Nyar & _Q3ea_ 
Process 100 %.................
Review "Fight Of Anime 2.9b"
Item Sell Item "Guantlet of Mafia"
New Hero
Trafalgar D. Water Law
Aokiji Kuzan
Sakazuki Akainu
Fix Lag "Ryusei Kazan" (Not Sure 100%)
This map released now (November/02/2014)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bleach vs One Piece v10.0 AI

Map Bleach vs One Piece v10.0 AI - BleachVsOnepiece10.w3x is Propress 100% by Thailand member

You can play this map with AI (Computer)....Good luck and have fun (12 Players)

Finally done Very tired, but are encouraged to want to continue it. Longer than I will do it again. Thank you all very much.

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Bleach vs One Piece 10.0 latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Link download: Bleach vs One Piece v10.0 AI


Update new version: Bleach vs One Piece v12.0

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Thai Version Anime 4.6b.w3x

Map Thai Version Anime 4.6b.w3x by [D]eva (ThaiLand)

This map is Aos 3 way 30 hero - New Thai version anime v4.6b update on Octerber/26/2014.

Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 192x192
Playable Area: 192x192
Recommended Players:Anime Fans
Size: 8041.7 KB

Download: Thai Version Anime 4.6b


Ninpou Storm MN 2.2.w3x

Map Naruto Ninpou Storm MN 2.2.w3x by Fire_Arkangel

Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 128x128
Playable Area: 116x116
Recommended Players:3v3v3
Size: 8133.4 KB

Ninpou Storm 2.1 changelog

- Towers point is back but now decreased to 3 points only.
- Smart host choice: Always when a MN member is on the game, he will be the host, independently of his slot. Otherwise, the host will be the red player.
- ScanMH is back

- Nidaime Mizukage R now slows and is faster.
- Hashirama R now stuns again but it was reduced from 2s to 1s and damage decreased.
- Deidara E in Flying Mode now stuns again but his creeps do not give map vision anymore.
- Asuma R damage decreased
- Shikamaru R damage back to its original damage (1000xlvl)
- Killer Bee Q and W "fixed"

- Scroll of Speed price is back to 200
An AoS map stylized on Naruto Universe. Pick your hero and fight for your village in a New Ninja War!

Download: Naruto Ninpou Storm MN 2.2


Friday, October 17, 2014

Angel samurai-Z v227a.w3x

Map Angel Samurai-Zv.227a by basability@hotmail.com
This map udpate on October/18/2014

Note: You must install the latest Warcraft 3 patch (version 1.24b or newer) to play this map. 

Category: Hero Arena
Recommended Players: 5v5
Size: 8176.9 KB

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Angel Samurai-Z.v227a latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Download: Angel Samurai-Zv.227a


Thursday, October 16, 2014


Map New-Naruto-Shippuuden v1.5.w3x by Lirge (Russian member)

This version fix bug map New Naruto Shippuuden. You can play and test it

Shinobi world, who lives and fights for his country, or against it. Take part in this war and decide the fate of this world.

Category: Role Playing (RPG)
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 192x192
Playable Area: 186x180
Recommended Players: 2-12
Size: 7779.3 KB

Anime New Battle 2.5

Map Anime New Battle v2.5.w3x by xX[]Anime4G[]Xx (Thailand member)

Version 2.5 Add New 1 Hero: - Rivaille (Update 16/10/2014)

Version 2.4 Add New 2 Hero:
  1. - Oracion Seis Cobra
  2. - Sakamaki Izayoi
Update September/06/2014 Map By: xX[]Anime4G[]Xx

Category: Hero Arena
Recommended Players:Anime Fans
Size: 7224.1 KB

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Anime New Battle 2.5 latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Download: Anime New Battle v2.5

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