Thursday, January 24, 2019

Kiem Vu Cuu Thien ORPG v1.02

Custom Map Kiem Vv Cuu Thiên ORPG 1.02 (KVCT v1.02.w3x) created by Silva.Fox (VietNam member) January/31/2019
  • Category: ORPG
  • Recommended Players: All players
  • Size: 58.5 MB

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Custom Map Kiếm Vũ Cửu Thiên ORPG latest details and features update. You can share at Facebook or Like Fanpage https://www.facebook.com/game2e/ . Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Download: Custom Map Kiếm Vũ Cửu Thiên ORPG 1.02 https://www.game2f.com/2019/01/custom-map-kiem-vu-cuu-thien-orpg/

Sunday, January 6, 2019

ACG Arena v2.05 AI

Map Animation Comic Game v2.05 - ACG Arena v2.10.w3x
You can play this map with Other player or Computer (AI+++) 2019

Planning Director: David Cardinal
Triggered Country: BUG devil
Model action: Lions & shoushou
Model Sponsor: Nini & mystery chaos

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Animation Comic Game v2.05 - ACG Arena v2.05 latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Download: ACG Arena v2.10 AI
Source: Game2f.com

Monday, December 31, 2018


DotA Allstars 6.88x7c.w3x RGC can be launched on Warcraft 3 version 1.26 ONLY. Any other patch won't work, game will end up crashing.
File size of DotA Allstars 6.88 is bigger than 8 MB, which makes it's impossible to host over the LAN or any game server without special patch. use this:  Game.dll - Warcraft III 8mb Limit Remover

  • Fixed minor issue with skins on morph-able heroes
  • Fixed rare case when attack event not being detected
  • Fixed last change to Shift-queries affecting Attack, Move and Patrol commands
  • Fixed Monkey King appearing in SD games
  • Fixed QoP and Sven's cast animations
  • Fixed Drow's Agh with critical strikes could have insane damage values
  • Fixed Stone Gaze increasing damage from physical damage spells while it should only affect normal attacks

  • Fixed Illusory Orb having 800 vision area instead of 450
  • Reduced Plasma Field vision from 800 to 700
  • Fixed Shadow Poison leaving 500 vision for 3 seconds at the end of the line
  • Fixed Spectral Dagger ignoring illusions (they didn't create shadow path)
  • Fixed Thundergod's Wrath providing vision for 6 seconds instead of 3

Read full changelogs here:  Dota 6.88×7c RGC changelog

In case if you want to play 88+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena's issues.

Download: Dota v6.88×7c RGC

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

SRORPG b751.w3x

Custom Map Con Đường Tơ Lụa ORPG v751 (SRORPG b751.w3x) created by VietNam member December/19/2018

Category: ORPG
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 352x352
Playable Area: 352x352
Recommended Players: 1+
Size: 50.0 MB
Submitted: 18 December 2018 

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Dota 6.88x5 RGC

DotA Allstars 6.88x5.w3x RGC can be launched on Warcraft 3 version 1.26 ONLY. Any other patch won't work, game will end up crashing.
File size of DotA Allstars 6.88 is bigger than 8 MB, which makes it's impossible to host over the LAN or any game server without special patch. use this:  Game.dll - Warcraft III 8mb Limit Remover

  • Fixed Stifling Dagger putting Mortred to sleep when attacking Nightmare'd target
  • Fixed rare bug when Slark could avoid death from Ice Blast using Dark Pact
  • Fixed Skewer not interrupting Charge of Darkness
  • Fixed Skewer not being interrupted by other sources of Forced Movement
  • Fixed inability to cast Decrepify onto Tombstone
  • Removed damage numbers appearing on Quill Spray


  • Updated Buriza crit chance from 25% => 30%
  • You can now buy Tome of Experience, Wards, Smoke and Gem from enemy's base wasting it's supply on your own shop (still cannot rob enemy's shop)
  • Lion's and SK's Impales are now blockable by Linken's Sphere, no matter if targeted directly or not
  • Bottle no longer auto-applies when dropped onto an ally, use Control+Bottle hotkey to enable targeting
  • Dominated unit will die if you don't carry Helm of the Dominator longer that 10 seconds
  • Added charges indicator to bottle and duration on BKB

Read full changelogs here:  Dota 6.88×5 RGC changelog

In case if you want to play 88+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena's issues.

Download: Dota v6.88×5 Allstars

Monday, November 19, 2018

ACG Arena 2.01t

Map Animation Comic Game v2.01t - ACG Arena v2.01t.w3x
You can play this map with Other player or Computer (AI+++)

Planning Director: David Cardinal
Triggered Country: BUG devil
Model action: Lions & shoushou
Model Sponsor: Nini & mystery chaos

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Animation Comic Game v2.01t - ACG Arena v2.01t latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

Download: ACG Arena v201t AI
Source: Game2f.com

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

DotA Allstars 6.88x3 rgc

DotA Allstars 6.88x3.w3x can be launched on Warcraft 3 version 1.26 ONLY. Any other patch won't work, game will end up crashing.
File size of DotA Allstars 6.88 is bigger than 8 MB, which makes it's impossible to host over the LAN or any game server without special patch. use this:  Game.dll - Warcraft III 8mb Limit Remover

  • Fixed Song of the Siren not applying onto invisible units
  • Fixed Pit of Malic not applying onto fogged or invisible units
  • Fixed Stampede causing pathing issues
  • Fixed Time Lapse, Sunder not restoring health while under Ice Blast debuff
  • Fixed yet another bug with Rubick when he morphs into somebody else
  • Greater Bash can no longer push enemy behind obstacles or unpathable terrain
  • Fixed Mana Shield toggling counting as a normal ability usage
  • Fixed rare bug with Walrus Kick pushing target way too far
  • Phantom Rush no longer provides ability to move through obstacles, but only through units
  • Fixed siege creeps get stuck rarely when passing nearby invulnerable units/structures
  • Fixed Stasis Trap not being reveled before triggering
  • Fixed Lycan could become stun immune
  • Supernova will now prevent units from perfoming various orders while hidden inside the Sun
Full full changelogs here:  Dota 6.88×3 changelog

In case if you want to play 88+ patches on Garena make sure you downloaded map from here and installed Garena Total v5.9.1. In case if you go on without GarenaTotal, game will crash soon due to Garena's issues.

Download: Dota 6.88x3
Source: https://www.dota682.com/dota-6-88x3/

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

9x Hero Defense VN 6_11_2018

Map 9x Hero Defense Season II VN 6/11/2018 - 9xHeroDefenseVN_6_11_2018.w3x by Vorse Raider (VietNam)
9x Hero Defense VN New Season II By Vorse Raider

Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 224x128
Playable Area: 212x116
Recommended Players: All players
Size: 52.06 MB+

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about 9x Hero Defense Season II VN 6/11/2018 latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!
Download: 9x Hero Defense VN 6/11/2018

9x Hero Defense Season II VN 6/11/2018

Friday, August 17, 2018

DotA LoD 6.86b2

Dota v6.86b2 lod changelogs:
  • Primal Roar damage 200/250/300 -> 150/225/300
  • Brain Sap cooldown 14 -> 14/13/12/11
  • Soul Catcher cooldown 13 -> 13/12/11/10
  • Disruption illusion damage 30/40/50/60% -> 30/45/60/75%
  • Dark Ritual Mana Bonus of creep hp 25/40/55/70% -> 30/50/70/90%
  • Magic Missile stun 1.45/1.55/1.65/1.75 -> 1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8
  • Living Armor regeneration bonus increased from 4/7/10/13 to 4/8/12/16
  • Stone Gaze damage amplification increased from 30/40/50% to 50%
  • Stone Gaze duration rescaled from 6 to 5/6/7 seconds
  • Stone Gaze ms and turn slow reduced from 50 to 35%
  • Battery Assault damage 20/40/60/80 -> 20/45/70/95
  • Reaper's Scythe damage multiplier 0.6/0.75/0.9 (both with Aghanim and without)
  • Reaper's Scythe cooldown 100 -> 120
  • Reaper's Scythe Aghanim Upgrade decreases cooldown to 100/85/70 and prevents buyback.
  • Last Word (Silencer) cooldown 36/28/20/12 -> 24/20/16/12
  • Ice Circles duration reverted (decreased back by 1 sec)
  • Shapeshift now gives 1800 night vision
  • Dragonspawn Sage Attack Point 0.3 -> 0.4
  • Puck base MS 295 -> 300, AGI grow 2.3 -> 2.4
  • Crystal Maiden starting damage 49-52 -> 47-50
  • Pit Lord Int growth from 2.6 to 2.4, AGI from 2.0 to 1.8
  • Earthshaker agi growth from 2.1 to 1.9
  • Treant agi growth from 2.0 to 1.8
  • Nerubian Assassin all stats grow -0.1
  • Medusa missile speed 1200 -> 900
  • Flux cooldown 14 -> 14/13/12/11, dps 15/30/45/60 -> 16/32/48/64
Full changelogs: Dota 6.86b2 lod changelog
Download:  DotA LoD 6.86b2

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Dota 6.88w9.4 download

Get DotA Allstars 6.88w9.4.w3x RGC full changelogs and download 2018

  • Fixed incorrect visual info about bonus damage from Duels
  • Fixed bug when Snowball couldn’t pickup an ally if he was clicked while Snowball was too far away from him
  • Fixed Psi Blades being ~25% wider than supposed to
  • Fixed Pulse Nova with Aghanim had no manacost
  • Fixed Surge providing AS bonus
  • Fixed Unstable Concoction had maximum effect possible if Alchemist dies while brewing instead of following default rules
  • Fixed Nether Swap’s Aghanim illusion not being auto-selected
  • Fixed interaction with Linken’s Sphere and/or Lotus Orb: Poison Touch, Spawn Spiderlings, Mystic Snake, Spirit Lance, Unstable Concoction
  • Fixed rare bug with Charge of Darkness immediately interrupting when casted right after Force Staff
  • Fixed Timber Chain could deal it’s damage from incorrect source
  • Rip Tide debuff now displays icon and apply debuff before damage isntance
  • Ethereal Blade is now properly prolonged when casted again
  • Fixed Unstable Current triggering Linken’s Sphere but not being blocked
  • Alchemist can now gift Aghanim to spell immune ally
Full changelogs here: Dota 6.88w9.4 full changelog
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